Other People’s Abys – I know Abys are divine but…

…Walking on water?


Ken Harrison, of Myabygem Abyssinians in Yorkshire, shared these photos of Myabygem Takoda (Koda for short) exploring a winter wonderland earlier this month, along with the comment, “Now I’m convinced Abys are special!”


And then, over the weekend, he posted this follow-up:


Along with the caption, “Where’s my hard water going?” He also said, “I had to smile yesterday; before the ice started melting, he sat on the bucket for about 10 minutess just looking around. It made me cringe at the thought of how cold his little bum must have been! It’s a good job he’s been neutered…”


Ken says that his name, Takoda, is Sioux Indian meaning “everybody’s friend,” and he is living up to his name. He certainly seems like a lively boy to have around!

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