Gun-Hee a day/60 of 366

Happy leap day!

Gun-Hee a day/59 of 366

Gun-Hee and Klie on the back of the sofa.

Gun-Hee a day/58 of 366

I love watching Gun-Hee sleep…

Gun-Hee a day/57 of 366

I was trying to get a photo of my hair…look who needed to get into the picture!

He was very lovey and clingy tonight. He was all about the headbutting and the head rubs.


Gun-Hee a day/56 of 366

These photos were taken with my phone, because my camera wasn’t within reach. This is a good example of what it’s like to live with Gun-Hee every day.

I woke up and looked up…this was the first thing I saw.

Then, after I took the first picture, of course, he realised I was awake…and it was time for teh pettins!

Gun-Hee a day/55 of 366

Reflection…I love the reflective bits on Gun-Hee’s fleece jacket and his leash.

Gun-Hee a day/54 of 366


An action shot (not Photoshopped!) from our walk.

Gun-Hee a day/53 of 366

Considering it’s been snowing non-stop since before 8am today, it’s kind of hard to believe that on Monday it was 60°. Since it was holiday and not cold, Gun-Hee and I went for a walk.

Emo Gun-Hee is emo.

Gun-Hee a day/52 of 366

If a watched pot never boils…does watched microwave popcorn pop?

Gun-Hee a day/51 of 366

Some close-ups of Gun-Hee:

Gun-Hee a day/50 of 366

Yesterday was a “holiday.” And you know what that means…no mail delivery, a sale at Macy*s, and a Law & Order marathon. Guess which one Gun-Hee partook of?

Of course! The Law & Order marathon!

Gun-Hee’s a Jack McCoy fan. Who knew?

Gun-Hee a day/49 of 366

What starts out as friendly cuddling…

Gun-Hee a day/48 of 366

Gun-Hee was nestled on the comforter this afternoon, and when I came into the bedroom, he looked at me so alertly…

Gun-Hee a day/47 of 366

This is my favourite of the photos I took of Gun-Hee at Petco…

He’s looking over at the big “scoop-it-yourself” kitty litter container, and you just know he’s thinking, “Hmmmmmmm…clean, fresh litter!”

Gun-Hee a day/46 of 366

Gun-Hee’s favourite stop at Petco last weekend? No question: the budgies.

The little birdies go tweet tweet tweet…

Gun-Hee a day/45 of 366

Happy Valentines Day, Gun-Hee fans!

Gun-Hee celebrates with a little local treat…Necco Conversation Hearts!

Oh, well…Still better than last year…

Gun-Hee a day/44 of 366

When we went to Petco, there was some sort of Valentine’s thing going on, and a lot of people brought their dogs in. Gun-Hee doesn’t like dogs, but he was so good around them! Maybe it was being up on the cart and not on the ground that gave him confidence…

Gun-Hee a day/43 of 366

More from our trip to Petco…the mice/hamsters/gerbils were interesting…

Gun-Hee a day/42 of 366

On Saturday, we took Gun-Hee to Petco.

Spoiled for choice!

Gun-Hee a day/41 of 366

Gun-Hee and the Big Dig.