Aby-a-Day – 30 April: Jacoby’s tattoo (Cartoon Tuesday)

Yesterday, I went to see my tattoo artist, Linus, about my next tattoo…Jacoby’s memorial. I had settled on two photos of him that I love. One is the almost iconic photo of him in the snow, wearing his amazing United Bamboo fishtail parka. I absolutely love this photo. It is the epitome of Winter Jake.


But I also love this photo of Jake on the 4th of July in a bunch of pink flowers in our favourite little grassy spot behind the welders’ next to Rolling Bridge Park. It’s just…the perfect photo of Summer Jake.

I couldn’t decide (I was thinking maybe both of them blended), so I left it up to Linus. And he thought the best tattoo would be…


Winter Jake!! I’ll make the appointment sometime next month.

Aby-a-Day – 29 April: Lorelai and Markis (Movie Monday)

Lorelai has never met an enemy. She likes dogs, people, and other cats.


She’s always happy to encounter our upstairs neighbour, Markis.

Markis, as you can see in this video, isn’t really interested in playing with her.



Later on, she tried again.



This time, Markis started to run away from her instead of holding his ground again.



Oh, well…


…At least Rory got a game of chase out of the deal.

Aby-a-Day – 28 April: “Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon” (Swedish Singapura Sunday)

As I posted yesterday, Lorelai loves to run, and when she does, she practically flies. She is incredibly graceful, sleek and aerodynamic.


…Izaak…not so much.


He can get up some momentum when he gets going, but look at the concentration on his face. It’s not quite as effortless for him as it is for Rory.




Zak kind of bobs along like a three-day old helium balloon.





It’s almost as if his back half goes faster than his front half.



It’s really adorable to watch.


Still no matter how he tries, he’s just not built for speed the way Rory is.

Aby-a-Day – 27 April: “You can’t put your feet on the ground until you’ve touched the sky” (Swedish Sunday)

Lorelai loves to be outside where she can run free. At times, she very nearly becomes airborne!


Part of the reason we’ve been training Rory and Izaak to go outside offleash but stay close to us is because we would like to take them out with us when we run simple errands, like taking out the trash.



That way, they get to go outside and run around, we get to take out trash and have fun with our kitties. Win-win, really.



Especially for Rory. When she runs, joy radiates off of her.



She truly is happiest when she is galloping at full tilt.


She really does almost become airborne when she runs!



This is one case where youth is not wasted on the young. Rory is savouring every second of her age and abilities.


Zak, whilst being a little more earth-bound than Rory, still has his moments…as you will see tomorrow.

Aby-a-Day – 26 April: The night Jacoby Stole Home (Photoshop Friday Flashback

Ten years ago tonight, Jacoby Ellsbury did more than juststeal home against the Yankees at Fenway Park on ESPN’s nationally-televised Sunday Night Baseball…he also gave my 12-day old ruddy kitten his name.

We had been discussing names for the kitten, and my ex wanted to call him Jake. I thought that was a little too Cat From Outer Space (You know, like naming a Collie “Lassie” or naming a Siamese “Pyewacket,” “Tao,” or “D.C.” But the moment I saw Ellsbury steal home…I knew what the kitten’s name would be. But, as I explained, I did not name my Jacoby after the player. I named him after the amazing thing that player did that time because someday he’ll probably betray us…but that thing he did will never not be awesome. And, sure enough…in 2014, Ellsbury did precisely that: he joined the Yankees!


But back to happier times. For the 2011 April Fool’s Day post, I put Jake together with the real Jacoby, playing a little ball.


Then, in 2012 the Improper Bostonian Jacoby Ellsbury on its cover of the end of March/early April issue. How could I resist?

It would have been fun to, just once, have the human Jacoby meet the feline Jacoby…

Aby-a-Day – 25 April: Ashes to ashes (Thursday Things)

So, I got a phone call today from Anicura.


Jacoby’s ashes are ready for me to pick up.


We’re going to go pick him up on Tuesday, because Björn has the day off. But I did find the perfect urn to put him in…and some of his ashes will be sent back to Boston to be snuck into and scattered in Fenway Park.

Aby-a-Day – 24 April: Wordless Wednesday (The sofa feels empty)






Happy 14th Birthday, Kylie!

Today is Kylie’s 14th birthday. She was such a tiny kitten when we got her…


…and here she is on St. Patrick’s Day, ignoring the parade.

Aby-a-Day – 23 April: Release the Flerken! (Cartoon Tuesday)

Warning…this post contains spoilers for the film Captain Marvel. However, if you have read the comics, it’s not really that much of a spoiler.

I am not a huge fan of superhero comics (I’m more of an Archie’s Gang kind of girl) or the “Marvel Universe.” I enjoy Deadpool (because he’s funny) and I love Big Hero 6 (because Disney animation and because San Fransokyo is awesome). And it’s kind of cool for me that I used to work with Chris Evans’ mother’s sister (she lived in Somerville) and now he’s Captain America…but by and large the who Avengers/X-Men/Spiderman movie monopoly just leaves me feeling…meh.

Until I discovered Captain Marvel. Of course, I had heard of her, but didn’t know much about the comic. Then I discovered that she’s a Red Sox fan and she has a cat. So of course I had to see this movie, right? Well…in the movie, she’s in LA and the desert and someplace in the South, and there is no mention of baseball or the Red Sox, so it was a bit of a let-down on that front. But the cat…oh, the cat more than made up for it!

Goose the cat (a female, but played by four cats, mainly a boy tabby named Reggie, along with Rizzo, Gonzo, and Archie) is easily the best part of the film. Goose even has her own poster!



For years I avoided Funko Pop! figures when I saw them in stores, because they are a) cute, b) have something for EVERY fandom you can think of (I am not kidding…they even have a figure of Joey wearing all of Chandler’s clothes!), and c) they are exactly the kind of thing I could get totally addicted to. But after seeing The Last Jedi, I had to get a Porg figure, because the Porgs in the movie reminded us so much of Logan


And now, I have Goose the cat and Goose the Flerken figures.


Aren’t they cute?


But wait, there’s more! The Flerken version is swallowing a blue glowing cube called the “Tesseract”…which glows in the dark! There’s also a third version I like to call “The Slurp” with Goose retracting her tentacles. I haven’t gotten that one yet…but I will.

One last thing…movies like this almost always have a special extra scene after all the credits have rolled (and which most people miss because they leave to early). About halfway through the film, I knew what the bonus scene would be…and if I was wrong, Marvel would have missed the best opportunity for a joke ever. I was not wrong, and I was not disappointed. Here it is if you would like to see it (yes, it’s sideways, but it’s apparently the only one on YouTube):

Aby-a-Day – 22 April: Where the boys are (Hipstamatic Monday)

I needed to fix a couple of things on my bicycle, so I let Lorelai and Izaak come outside with me whilst I was working.


In Sweden, however much it may seem like New England, we haven’t really got a spring. We go from winter to full-blown summer. And so it is this year. We went from freezing cold to OMG where are my shorts and sandals!? Björn says that Sweden is in the BiPolar Zone.


The kids who live in our apartment complex love our cats and love to play with them.


Usually, it’s the girls who go nuts over the kittens running around outside.


But today, it was the boys. One of them told me his friend had a cat with kittens, and he got to hold them when they were one week old. Later, he told me he was going to get one of those kittens.


We had told them that Zak will fetch his mousies and bring them back, so they wanted to see that. Of course, outside, Zak had zero interest in playing with IKEA toys.



The boys didn’t listen to us, and tried Zak’s favourite toy on Rory. It was, I think, disappointment.


But watching them play and interact with the kittens was adorable.


The boys went between romping with Rory and Zak like they would with puppies (and which Rory and Zak were totallly down with)…


…to the sweetest one-on-one play you have ever seen.





It really warmed my heart, watching boys running around playing with cats.


I hope we are fostering our next generation of cat daddies.

Aby-a-Day – 21 April: You CAN teach an old cat some new tricks! (Swedish Sunday)

I apologise in advance for the blurriness of these photos, but I was lucky to capture them at all!


This actually started before Jacoby died, but last week was the first time I managed to have my camera ready.



You see, Angel, who will be twelve this year, has actually started playing with the younger cats!I haven’t seen her play with another cat voluntarily since Jake was a kitten!


But here she is…




…playing chase and catch with Lorelai! And Angel started it!



It’s truly amazing.


The old lady’s got some moves!


Rory, having escaped up the hallway, returns to see where Angel is.


“Where are you, Angel..?”


Oh. Hello.


Sometimes Alfred and Izaak join in; it’s not just a girl thing. Still, it’s so wonderful to watch Angel play with the other cats on her own terms as opposed to someone chasing her.

Aby-a-Day – 20 April: Don’t be so sad, Mommy…(Silly Singapura Saturday)

I have been asked how the other cats are dealing with the loss of Jacoby. They definitely know he’s not there…but they don’t seem to miss him. He was sort of a loner, although he would sleep with the others, especially Alfred and Izaak. Jake of course was mainly bonded with me, and Zak has kind of decided that I’m his, too.


As you can see, Zak decided it was okay for Jake to let him share me with him (this was how I woke up on St. Patrick’s Day).


But since Jake’s been gone, Zak (who as we know loves playing with furry plush toys) has started playing with one of my Pusheen dolls. I found she had been dragged into the living room. And there was no question who had done it…He looked too proud of himself!


Zak has a very specific way of playing with Pusheen, too. First, he pretends to ignore her…


…and then he whips around and SMACKS her!


And after that…





…it’s pretty much on like an early video game involving gorillas and barrels.


After a brief spar, the opponents retreat into their neutral corners, eyeing each other cautiously.


And then bite,









Uh oh, looks like Pusheen may be winning…


…Oh, no, Zak’s got this.



It’s so funny to watch Zak drag Pusheen around. She’s almost as big as he is!


Well…Zak wasn’t wrong. It did help cheer me up a bit.

Aby-a-Day – 19 April: ” Every time I see your face, it reminds me of the places we used to go…but all I’ve got is a photograph, and I realise you’re not coming back any more” (Friday Flashback)

There are just so many reminders of Jacoby around the house. I have plushies, T-shirts and even jewellery featuring his image.


But one big thing I have are the special plaques I made using Shutterfly.


The first one I made was to commemorate Jake’s ascension to Grand Premiership.


The second was made after Jake was featured on Page One of the Boston Herald (during a week that featured Hurricane Sandy, Halloween, the Patriots, and…some election involving an incumbent and a former governor of Massachusetts).


Then I made one to remember the time Jake was featured in the Workman Page-a-Day Calendar. That one was especially special, since I had been getting that calendar – and sending in photos – since the early 80’s.


Another plaque I made was a matched pair to honour the two-page spread Jake earned in the British cat magazine Your Cat.

All of these plaques were kept in my office when I lived in Boston, but since moving to Sweden, they are displayed on our hallway bookshelves, where I see them every day.


But I also have the ultimate souvenir…a Pancake Pet I got via Toki Poki. It’s Jake, life-sized!


Izaak was interested in the Jake-sized cutout…


…as was Alfred.


Freddy was a bit disturbed when I first got Pancake Jake out.


Cordial…but a but disturbed.

I have so many reminders of Jake…but that’s only because he was an amazing cat. I miss him so much.

Aby-a-Day – 18 April: Eulogy for Jacoby (Thursday Things)

Jacoby was such a great poser. He just seemed to understand what I wanted, and I could set him some place and he would sit there perfectly. I never trained him to do that, he just knew that the camera meant that he should hold still.


When I saw the cat on the carousel in Boston Common, I knew I had to get a shot of Jake riding it. In between rides, they let me put him on the cat and were quite impressed with how cooperative he was.


He struck this pose when he was only six months old.


I used it to make this.


He posed wonderfully without even trying.


This photo became the iconic #strollercat T-shirt.


He could be very dramatic at times…


very dramatic!









He was so wonderfully patient when I asked him to pose in his clothing.



Jake loved riding the T.



When it came to agility…Jake was a little too good at posing!



Some of the best photos of him were in snow. The first one, with the hat, was published in Boston magazine.


The current lot are photogenic, and Alfred in particular can throw some awesome poses… but they don’t have that understanding that Jake had. What were a team. We did so much together. I wonder if I’ll ever have that again with another cat.


It’s not impossible…I said the same thing after Harri died, the last cat I had that kind of bond with. I just don’t know what the magic formula is for finding a cat like that.






Jake was just so…bulletproof. I could set him anywhere and back away to take a photo, and I knew he wouldn’t jump down. We trusted each other implicitly.


I love our current LunaTicks dearly, of course. Angel is not really bonded to anyone (she cuddles on her own terms) and Freddy is bonded to everyone. The kittens are also bonded to everyone, Izaak slightly more to me and Lorelai slightly more to Björn. But as much as we love them and they us…none of them have that connection, that spark, that undefinable something that elevates them to another level of human-cat interaction.


On the simplest level, no other of our cats head bonk me. With Jake, I would put my head down and we would bonk our skulls together like a cranial fist bump. We did it fairly hard, too. When I try to do that with the others, they either back up, or sniff me, or rub their sides against my head…well, Freddy will sometimes pat me on the head. But no bonks.


I hope I can find another Aby to bonk heads with some day.

Aby-a-Day – 17 April: Wordless Wednesday (Jacoby and Logan)













Aby-a-Day – 16 April: Taz and Jacoby together on paper (Cartoon Tuesday)

Jacoby’s cousin Taz (GC, GPD, NW Anubis Taz Mania), died last July on the same day as my friend Molly’s husband, Don. Jake and Taz were show buddies. And because they were show buddies, Taz appeared in several of my Aby Cartoons. The first was based on this final at the Seacoast show in 2012.


Then I did this one, in which Taz seemed more interested in winning than Jake was.


When Meg brought a girl kitten named Tiger Lili to a show with Jake and Taz…I imagined this scenario.





And then there was the infamous Paw and Disorder, with Taz as Eames and Jake as Goren. That was so much fun to draw!


When I spoofed Psy’s Gangnam Style with Jake, I knew I would need to expand the visual joke and illustrate other scenes from the video.


Of course, Jake is Psy, but also featured are Louis/Fire as the dancing kid, Taz as the guy in the elevator with the cowboy hat, and Angel as the yoga woman’s butt.


Taz’s final appearance came after the Seacoast show, when he was retired. Once Taz was out of competition, Jake finally had a chance! Jake and Taz were such a team…I hope they still are, somewhere.

Aby-a-Day – 15 April: ” He was my North, my South, my East and West, my working week and my Sunday rest…” (Medical Monday)

Warning: photos of Jacoby’s body to follow…

I was already planning to go to Jönköping last Friday before Jake so suddenly died whilst the vet was on the phone with me. I still went to visit him last Friday…Just not quite the way I intended…or wanted.


They took me back into the same room I was in when Alfred and I said goodbye to Logan. Philippa, the same vet tech who was there with Logan, brought in his little white box.


He didn’t look dead…just asleep.


As if any second he would start that purr of his and snore his cute little happy snores.


But he was so cold. I petted him all over, telling him that he missed getting his dirty dirty ears cleaned because this weekend was meant to be claw-clipping weekend. I flexed his little toes…he loved it when I massaged his paws. It was so surreal…he looked so alive. He felt like himself. He felt like my Jakey. Except he wasn’t warm and he didn’t push back when I petted him.


I was surprised his shaved stomach looked so good. I couldn’t see any stitches at all.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.


When we left him at the hospital that Saturday night…I didn’t know it would be the last time I would see him alive. It was supposed to be “see you in a few days,” not “Goodbye forever.” Had I known, I would have held him, cuddled him, hugged him, memorised every inch of him. But I thought he’d be coming home, so we just had a few head bonks.

I miss him…it hurts so much…oh, Jakey.

Aby-a-Day – 14 April: Happy Birthday, Jacoby (Cinema Sunday)

Today would have been Jacoby’s 10th birthday. We had candles already for such a special birthday. I made a cake anyway, for all the other cats to share.



Unlike Jake, the other cats were a bit taken aback by the burning candles.


Naturally, Alfred was the least afraid of the fire, because it was on food.


Once the flame was extinguished, though, they all tucked right in.


Jake loved the birthday ritual. He was never afraid of the candles and usually had a few singed whiskers after the candles were extinguished.


He also loved plastic springs.


I gave him a fresh package of them last year.

However where as most cats bat them, chase them or carry them around in their mouths, but not our Jake. A still photo could never capture his technique, so here is a video I managed to capture.

All Jacoby’s Birthdays









Aby-a-Day – 13 April: Remembering Jacoby

Today’s post was written by my husband, Björn…


Our Jacoby is dead. He died in the prime of his life. We had hoped that he would be with us for at least another five or six years, but that wasn’t to be. Following first the announcement of his illness, then his passing, the outpouring of love, sadness and sympathy from people, many who had never met him, was amazing. If a cat can make that kind of impression, it is a very special cat.

I saw my first Abyssinians back in 1992 at a local cat show. My then partner and I went there, as she had grown up with cats. According to her, I fell for the Abys then and there, and I had said something along the lines of that we should get one eventually.

In 1999, we got two cats: Pyret, a housecat, and Olivia, a mixed breed. An Aby was something in the distant future, if at all.




Fast forward to 2015. Koshka and I were chatting on Messenger. I knew about Gun-Hee, Angel and Jake, having followed her LiveJournal and seen them on her Christmas cards. Our old friendship took an unexpected turn, and suddenly we were a couple. I went to Boston and met her for the first time in 15 years. I was introduced to Jake and Angel, and Jake and I got along great from the start.







In 2016, Koshka and the cats moved to Sweden. Jake decided he liked the apartment. My aging cat Pyret wasn’t convinced that the newcomers were welcome, but the apartment is big and they didn’t have to rub shoulders.

Soon, we began taking Jake to shows, and the second part of his show career started. That meant going to hotels, usually by train, but a couple of times it was by overnight ferry. Jake loved to travel and see new places.




Going places meant going in his stroller. One might think that a grown man would feel self-conscious pushing a cat around in a stroller, but that didn’t bother me – I felt pride! Wherever we brought Jake, he drew attention. Strangers would smile, snap photos, ask questions, and pet him. Jake loved the attention. Many people hadn’t heard about Abyssinians, and thus he became an excellent ambassador for the breed and for cats in general.

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Jake was an extremely handsome cat. His vibrant coloring, elegant body, and alert expression won him many prizes, but other people than cat show judges found him striking. But his beauty went deeper than his ticking. He was an affectionate, intelligent and social cat, who made visitors feel welcome.

Sure, he had his quirks, like sitting in the cast-iron frying pan, rolling around on beds kicking himself in the head, and eating any and all plastic bags. Traveling by car meant that one would have to endure his meowing every fourth second for an hour or more.




When we drove to the animal hospital in Jönköping a week ago, his meowing was barely audible. How I wanted it to be as loud as it used to be! We brought his carrier inside, and he explored the examination room on shaky legs. Koshka and I said goodbye to him, not expecting that it would be the last time we saw him alive. Then followed days filled with worry, and then came the news that Jake, that most excellent cat, had left us. I cried.


The last year has seen so much death. My mother passed away, and Pyret and Logan died. We didn’t expect to lose Jake, who seemed almost indestructible, but fate wanted otherwise. I got to be his dad for 34 months, which was way too short, but he will stay in my memory until my own time is up. Jake, you made our lives richer, and you were loved by people on two continents. We are all made from stardust, but some shine stronger than others.

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Goodbye, Jake. I miss you.

Also, Jake’s GoFundMe campaign is closing tomorrow, Sunday 14 April on Jake’s 10th birthday. We don’t know how much over the insurance cap his bills are, but we still believe there will be something to donate to New England Abyssinian Rescue.