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Gun-Hee loved to chase his tail, even after he was fully grown. His Uncle Whitey also still chases his tail, so it runs in the family.

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This was the first (and only) time Gun-Hee climbed a tree. He loved it.

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Gun-Hee loved to go on errands with us. Here he is at Petco.

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Gun-Hee loved his big sister Kylie.

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Gun-Hee and Kylie always seemed to have a special bond. Here they are at the vet.

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This is so how Gun-Hee was…Tessie wins the prize (in this case, a scratching barrel with carpet and rope),
but Gun-Hee is the one who benefits from and uses it.

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I love this photo of Gun-Hee and Tessie on the cat-tree at my old apartment.

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Another photo of Gun-Hee with Tessie…doing who knows what.

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Gun-Hee in the hallway with Tessie. He loved going out in the hallway.

Gun-Hee’s brother Rusty

As I posted a few weeks ago, Gun-Hee’s brother Rusty also came down with FIP. His breeder send us this email and photo this week:

Back in the beginning of July when we found out that Rusty has FIP, we didn’t think it was likely that he’d see his 2nd Birthday, September 16 – but here it is – he is 2 years old today! I made a special salmon dinner for the cats tonight 🙂

The attached picture of Rusty was taken August 30, 2 months after visible FIP signs. He continues to enjoy being outside on the deck and in the backyard with the other cats, stalking squirrels on the other side of the fence 🙂

I just wish Gun-Hee were still here too. Gun-Hee had such an awesome life with you, I wish it could have been much longer.

I’m so glad that Rusty is still alive. I wish that Gun-Hee had been able to survive, too…

Today was a wonderful, warm day, one of the last of the year…I went for a walk, and the whole time I was out, I kept thinking that Gun-Hee should have been with me, because he would have loved it…

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Gun-Hee was fascinated with water running in the sink. So much so that I had to lock him out of the bathroom because he’d splash it all over the place and get everything on the counter wet.

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I don’t always know what Gun-Hee was doing in the bathroom, but I always appreciated his presence.

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I don’t think I miss Gun-Hee more than when I’m getting ready for work. He was always right there with me, entertaining me with his antics.

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This is a charm I had made to commorate Gun-Hee. It was finished on Tuesday, Gun-Hee’s birthday. The diamond is a wedding gift from my mother-in-law. I had done a sketch of a charm with Gun-Hee holding the diamond, and was planning on finding someone to fabricate it in gold…but then I found the perfect charm in a jewelery shop in Tampa.

The sapphire was added as an afterthought; in Cozumel we went to a loose gemstone store, and there was a sale on the “Birthstone of the month” which happened to be September, sapphire…and Gun-Hee’s birthstone.

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I got this custom-made felted sculpture from Gfelted, an artist on Etsy in today’s mail. I commissioned him just after he died. She used some of his actual hair in making him, and she worked from the photos here in Gun-Hee’s journal.

I think it’s kind of cute that she’s calling him “Amber” as a sample listing, since Amber is his mother’s name.

I took this on the way home from the post office, in Binford Park. He loved that park.

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Today would have been Gun-Hee’s second birthday. This is a photo from his one and only birthday last year…

I keep looking for a reason for his death, but I can’t find one.

Farewelll world, farewell life…

I miss him every day

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Gun-Hee really loved riding the T…

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Another photo of Gun-Hee and the T.

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Gun-Hee loved to ride the T.

Today, we scattered his ashes all along the Fort Point walkway; his ashes are in the water, at all of the parks, the welders…everywhere we used to go.

I miss him so much.

Gun-Hee’s 3D Portrait

I commissioned a felted sculpture portrait of Gun-Hee from an artist, Gfleted, on Etsy.

She just finished him this week and sent me the listing. She did a remarkable job. I can’t wait to see it in person.

Thank you, Gerry!