Angel-a-Day/207 of 365

Angel gets distracted by the supersoft IKEA sheepskin rug
while playing with donnad’s mousie.

Angel-a-Day/199 of 365

Tessie encroaches on Angel’s personal space in the litter box.

Just after, Kylie and Tessie double-teamed poor baby!
I couldn’t get a photo, so I sketched the incident for future reference.

Angel-a-Day/191 of 365

Angel and Tessie play with the remote control car.

Tess and Kylie are more afraid of the car. Angel’s all, “Oh yeah, I’m totes scared.”

Angel-a-day/185 & 186 of 365

Sorry I missed last night’s Angel; we were at last night’s Red Sox game and didn’t get home til late.

July 7: Angel watching Captain America (aka Jason Varitek)
catching the Independence Day Red Sox game.

July 8: For whatever reason, Angel has to watch the action up close.

Which led to this Angel Macro…

Angel-a-day/181 & 182 of 365

I apologise for missing yesterday’s Angel; I was super-tired and crashed before I could post.

July 2: Angel and the other girls, monitoring the repairman.

July 3: Angel in her adopted bed under the coffee table.

Angel loves her little bed under the coffee table.