Gun-Hee Day

December 15th is Gun-Hee day. That was the day we got him.

This was our first photo together.

I can’t believe it’s been almost 6 months since he died.

His brother, Rusty, also died from FIP on October 10. Their mother, Amber, also passed away shortly after. The cause of her death is not known; last I heard they were doing an autopsy to find that out. It was very sudden.

So much sadness in the little cat family.

I miss him every day. He was my little buddy.

I know I stopped the “Gun-Hee a Day” project 50 days short. I truly intended to finish it, but the truth is…I got to the point where I wasn’t sure if I was posting new photos or repeats…and since there’s no way to take new photos, I just stopped. When I started the project, it was beyond comprehension that he wouldn’t be alive at the end of the year.

That being said, I will continue next year with Angel, the little one-eyed Aby rescue that Gun-Hee found for me. You can follow her story at .

Thank you for being a part of Gun-Hee’s life.

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I liked taking Gun-Hee to cat shows. He seemed to really enjoy meeting other Abys.

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Gun-Hee hamming it up at a cat show.

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Gun-Hee climbed this tree all by himself!

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Gun-Hee in the Somerville Community Garden.

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Gun-Hee on the T. He loved riding the T.

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I love this photo of Gun-Hee after being furminated…
“Holy crap, that all came off of me?”

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I miss Gun-Hee most in the mornings.
He used to hang out in the bathroom and help me get ready for work.

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Gun-Hee was a master of relaxation.

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Yes, we CAN has!

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Election-Day Gun-Hee…I wish he could be here for this!

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Gun-Hee, Kylie and me on the sofa…

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Even when he was sick, Gun-Hee would camp out and wait for treats.

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Even when he was feeling bad, Gun-Hee still managed to look handsome and composed.

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Gun-Hee was always a wonderful subject for photos.

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Between a trip to California and a nasty cold, I’ve missed doing the Gun-Hee a Day.

Here is what was missed:

Oct 9:

Gun-Hee loved Patrick.
Oct 10:

Gun-Hee on one of his first walks outside.
Oct 11:

Gun-Hee and Patrick again.
Oct 12:

Gun-Hee always had to monitor what we were doing.
Oct 13:

Gun-Hee and Kylie always had a special bond.
Oct 14:

When Gun-Hee was sick, he camped out on this blanket behind the sofa.
Oct 15:

I don’t know why he picked that as his spot, but he seemed very fond of it.
Oct 16:

Here he is making his trademark ball.
Oct 17:

Sometimes Kylie would keep him company.
Oct 18:

Kylie doesn’t look all that comfortable, but she puts up with it for Gun-Hee.
Oct 19:

Close-up of Gun-Hee on his blanket.

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Gun-Hee loved looking at his photos and videos on the computer.

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Gun-Hee with his first mom/breeder Sherry. I love this photo so hard.

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Guess which one is Gun-Hee?

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This judge, Marge Collier, awarded Gun-Hee a “Best Kitten” ribbon in her ring.