Aby-a-Day – 7 Augusti: Funny Angel (Silly Saturday)

Since moving to Sweden and becoming the eldest female in the house, Angel has become very comfortable and secure in the house.

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She has several favourite spots, and one of them is the IKEA cat bed at the end of the sofa.

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She loves to sit there whilst I am doing things on my computer.

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However, when she yawns…

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…she shows off the fact that she only has one tooth in her head!

Aby-a-Day – 2 Augusti: Alfred is such a ham! (Hipstamatic Monday)

Yesterday when Björn and Emma were making breakfast, they gave the cats a little bit of ham…and a piece fell on Alfred’s back.


He could smell it, but couldn’t figure out where the delicious ham was.


Meanwhile, here it is.


Meanwhile, Izaak is wondering why we are all giggling and taking photos.



“Mooooommmmmm…where’s the haaammmmm..?”


“Wait? There’s ham? I thought I smelled ham…”


I thought for sure Izaak would clock the ham on Freddy’s back.


Because I am a meanie, I tried to get Zak to notice the ham on Freddy’s back.


I almost thought he was going to see it.


But in the end, Freddy managed to knock the ham off of his back and eat it. Sorry, Zak.

Aby-a-Day – 29 Juli: “And what is a foam after all, but a big collection of bubbles?” (Thursday Things)

Björn is working on a project, and he needed a piece of foam. He’s working on the project in the living room, and he set the foam down on his laptop and books.

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Of course, Izaak had to investigate this new and fascinating object in his territory.



He tried to walk on it or sit on it, but it was unstable and kept teeter-tottering. I admit, it: I laughed at him a little.




“I would greatly appreciate you not judging me.”

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Zak then spent a great deal of time examining the situation. He seemed determined to conquer the foam.

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Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. Zak ended up settling for sitting next to the piece of foam.

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“Don’t look at me like that.”

Aby-a-Day – 16 Juli: Yet more fun with PHOTOSHOPPED cats (Photoshop Friday)

Time for more of my Photoshopped cats. Above is Rocky, and I thought he looked a bit like a seal.


One look at Dwight, and Björn suggested I do this.


Bella was wearing goggles, and her human wanted her to look like Amelia Earhart. All righty then.


I don’t remember this guy’s name, but the first thing I thought of was the “I am king of the world!” scene from Titanic.


Some suggested that Batty should be running from Indiana Jones’ boulder. Happy to oblige.


Later on, I had another idea…please, think of the kittens!


Noodle like to sit like this, apparently. I thought he looked like a prince in need of a kiss.


Rosie is missing an eye, like Angel. So I gave her one of Angel’s googly eyes.


Fridays are “Free for all” species posting, and someone posted a nest of barn swallows. I immediately thought of this. Hey, I already had the “MINE?” speech bubbles!


This cat had a flour tortilla on her head. I could not resist.


Gilbert was leaning on a mirrored sliding closet door…so we have Octopussy!


And finally, another seal, this time with Sugar doin a heckin sploot. I like this one better than the first one.

Aby-a-Day – 15 Juli: Snuggly Freddy (Thursday Things)

I know some of these photos today are a bit blurry, but I wanted to share them anyway because this is so Alfred’s personality.


Freddy loves to cuddle between us when we’re sitting on the sofa watching television.


He especially likes to lay up against my bare legs when I’m wearing a skirt. It’s kind of sweet to see him next to Jacoby.


It’s not the most fun when it’s almost 30°C, but it is cute.


For some reason, he also likes to touch peets.


I am not sure what this is, however.

Aby-a-Day – 10 Juli: Silly sandy kitties (Silly Saturday)

I wanted to take the cats out today, but the weather had other plans. But I found these photos from an earlier. Lorelai just LOVES rolling in the sand.


Izaak, on the other hand, likes to dig. They are so fun to watch!

Aby-a-Day – 9 Juli: More fun with This Cat is PHOTOSHOPPED (Photoshop Friday)

I have been having fun in the Facebook group “This Cat is PHOTOSHOPPED” lately. These are older ones I did; this kitten was on a scratching post, so I put him somewhere more exciting. Namely, the top of the Pru during the World Series.


This beautiful black smoke needed a stage.



This cat’s name is Sushi, so…yeah. Blah blah low-hanging-fishcakes blah.


Zion was posing in a box. I don’t know why, exactly, but it seemed like he needed to be inside Herbie on the beach. I have more that I have done for that group; come back next Friday for more!

Aby-a-Day – 7 Juli: Wordless Wednesday (Well, this is some forking bullshirt right here…)


Aby-a-Day – 3 & 4 Juli: Just Izaak being Izaak (Silly Singapura Saturday and Sunday)

The other morning, I woke up to this.



Izaak just sitting in his cat bed, on his baby blanket, chilling.



It was really funny…and not a little surreal.


Zak sat that way for a really long time, too.




Just contemplating himbs peets.


Apparently, they were very interesting that morning.


Suddenly, Zak started to aggressively groom his tailtip.



Lick, lick, lick…



…lick…oops, almost lost it!


Take that, tail!



Zak was very thorough.


And then,





..Zak was done.



Aby-a-Day – 26 Juni: Sweet Izaak Cat (Bom Bom Bom) (Silly Singapura Saturday)

Singapuras, having American Burmese in their ancestry, are brachycephalic. They’re not as bad as, say, Persians and Exotics, but it’s there.



With Izaak, it doesn’t really cause any problems, except he gets black eye boogers pretty much every day.



Okay, so maybe it causes a little problem for Zak.


Because Zak hates having his eyes cleaned.


But he is such a good boy, all he does is push my hands away.


And he is wicked strong, too!


As I was cleaning his eyes the other day, I came up with a little song:

Hands…pushing hands…I don’t want…you to clean…my eyes
Don’t clean my eyes!
(Bom Bom Bom)
I like them just the way they are…


Or, if you prefer something a little more modern:

Don’t clean…Don’t clean my…
Don’t clean my eyes for me


And that, right there, is the Singapura Stink-Eye™!

Aby-a-Day – 15 Juni: Complete this cat for the laughs (Cartoon Tuesday)

There’s a fun meme going around that involves a simple line drawing of a cat’s head and four paws, captioned “Complete this cat for the laughs.” Well. I like cats, and laughing, so sure!


As a warm-up, I did this silly sketch of two cats dancing.


Then, I decided to play with colours and brushes, so I drew Jacoby in his parka.


Painting fur was fun, so I decided to paint some feathers. I also made the kitty a little happier. Silly, maybe…but any excuse to draw, right?

Aby-a-Day – 12 Juni: Ministry of Silly Walks (Silly Saturday)

Dashiell is a very beautiful and graceful cat.


As long as he’s standing still.


As handsome as Dash is, he has a very…awkward way of walking.


Standing: Gorgeous.


Walking…not so much.

Aby-a-Day – 7 Maj: “Awesome. Wow.” (Photoshop Friday)

The other day in This Cat is PHOTOSHOPPED, someone posted this picture of Froot Loop and asked if anyone could give him a throne to sit on.


I could not resist. It’s silly, and it’s not really one of my best…but it made me laugh so I thought I would share it.

Aby-a-Day – 4 April: Dashiell meets Jacoby (Silly Sunday)

Yesterday, Dashiell was lying in a bright, warm sun puddle, and I commented that, in that light, Dash really reminded me of Jacoby in the sun. So Björn got the idea to introduce Dash to Pancake Jake.


Dash was actually a little afraid of Flat Jake.


He actually backed away from Flat Jake.


Lorelai came to see what was going on. Flat Jake sits in a window that Rory frequents, so she’s more familiar with him than Dash is.

Aby-a-Day – 2 April: Welcome to 2021, the year of the silly memes (Photoshop Friday)

2021 seems to be defining itself as the Year of the Meme. First, we had Bernie Sanders and his mittens, and then, last week, we had , an enormous container carrier ship the size of the Empire State Building stuck in the Suez Canal, blocking all other carriers and stopping roughly 10% of global trade. So, of course, “Boaty McStuck-Face” launched a fleet of silly memes. Of course, I had to make one…and a cat sitting on top of a bunch of boxes with the ubiquitous “If I fits I sits” caption. I posted this in the Facebook group This Cat is PHOTOSHOPPED, and so far it’s had almost 2,000 (!) reactions.


And then, I did this. Because of course I did.

Aby-a-Day – 13 Februari: Takes a licking and keeps on ticking (Silly Singapura Saturday)

The other day, I looked over and saw Izaak licking my laptop.


It was perfectly clean. Nothing at all lick-worthy there.


I have no idea.


And it wasn’t just one or two licks. He licked my laptop for a good five minutes.


Why, Zak? Just…why?

Aby-a-Day – 12 Februari: “I’m here live…I’m not a cat” (Photoshop Friday)

The meme of the week has been the Texas attorney who accidentally turned on a kitten filter during a Zoom court proceeding. And of course, once it got out, the jokes and memes followed.

Inevitably, that woman showed up to yell at the poor kitten lawyer.


So, yeah. You knew this was going to happen.

Aby-a-Day – 6 Februari: Photobombing Freddy (Silly Saturday)

When I did Alfred’s birthday photoshoot, I started out by myself (Kalle came and helped me later), so I was trying to manage the cake in one hand and the camera in the other…all whilst trying to keep Freddy from eating it before I could get the candles lit. This was an accidental shot, but I thought it was so cute the way Angel was patiently waiting for her snack, so I kept it.


Don’t worry, Angel. You’ll get some, too.

Aby-a-Day – 5 Februari: One more Bernie meme (Photoshop Friday)

I know it’s been a while, but I literally woke up with this idea in my head…and here it is.

Aby-a-Day – 27 December 2020: Welcome to the rat race (Cinema Sunday)

We got the cats a remote-controlled rat toy for Christmas. We thought it would be a lot of fun for them.


It…didn’t go quite as planned.


I’m not sure if it was the motor noises or the crazy, self-righting wheels, but they seemed a little intimidated by the thing.


So, Björn got the idea of putting a bit of ham on the back of the rat. Well, that got Alfred’s attention.


And then the ham fell off.


And…then Freddy ate the ham. So much for that idea.


So we stopped the rat to see what they would do when it wasn’t moving.


Dashiell grabbed it and started dragging it off.


He was growling as he pulled it along!


I don’t think any of us saw that coming.

Here’s the video of the whole encounter. I sped it up a little bit, so you may not be able to hear Dash growling.