Aby-a-Day – 20 Augusti: Aby and Singa Stickers by Cloris Creates (Fashion Friday)

Last month, a member posted this in my Singapura Facebook group: ⭐️ Looking for models! ⭐️ Hi, thanks for the add! I’m Cloris, a cat mom, animal artist, and small biz owner! I’m looking for people who’d be interested in taking a photo of their cat with their matching sticker (see photos) in exchange for a Singapura sticker bundle ❤️ Bonus points if you can post to social media since I’ll be sharing the photos there too! Preferably US-based but open to shipping worldwide too. Comment/message for more info and thanks for your time!


Well, of course I contacted her! The envelope arrived on Wednesday. As soon as I opened it, Izaak had to see what I was doing.



And…of course he had to play with his Singa sticker.



Zak likes to bite paper things, and I worried he would try to bite his sticker…



…but he couldn’t manage to pick it up.


Zak is so adorable when he’s frustrated.


Dashiell, however, was not as excited about his Aby sticker.


He wouldn’t even jump up on the sofa to look at it.


I put it on the coffee table, and Lorelai took an interest.



She managed to knock it onto the floor, where Dash finally took some interest. They are nice, thick, shiny stickers, and cats like shiny things.


With the stickers, she sent me a little thank you card for helping her with her sticker promotion.


Cloris has stickers of almost every breed of cat (and dog, and some other animals) available in her Cloris Creates Etsy shop, and if she doesn’t, she can make it for you. They are very awesome and very cut.

Aby-a-Day – 2 Juli: Remembering Jacoby on Canada Day

Yesterday was Canada Day, and the above memory from last year popped up on my Facebook feed. Even though the celebrations this year are rather subdued this year, I can’t help but recall Jacoby’s past Canada Day fashion statements.


There was that one time when he wore a wool sweater…and a mitten.


Of course, in 2014 he was very excited about the Winter Olympics in Sochi…and with good reason: Canada beat Sweden to win hockey gold!


Then there was the year he was feeling a little conflicted about being a Canadian in Boston, which is kind of famous for its epic Fourth of July celebrations.

Aby-a-Day – 18 December 2020: Good fortune in the fashion show (Fashion Friday)

This morning, I got the following email: “Thank you for participating in the 2020 CFA International Top Cat Challenge, benefitting the WINN Feline Foundation. Your cat has WON in the Haute Cat-ture competition! We will be sending your cat a treat or toy via Amazon Prime, sponsored by ZYMOX pet products, in the near future.

Here are our top 10 winners:

PinUpCats Pichu
Leonidas (Abysaurus Rex)
Pellburn Jacoby Stealin Home
Gememerald A Million Voices”


Yep, Jake made it into the the top ten…twice! He was Ninth Best in his snow boots and knit cap, and Third Best wearing his Don Draper suit. I had also entered him in his turkey outfit and in his Red Sox uniform (including socks), but those two photos didn’t make the final.

You can watch the final, narrated by CFA Region 9 judge Teo Vargas Huesa, on You Tube.

Aby-a-Day – 30 Oktober 2020: Jacoby’s diva scarf (Friday Fashion Flashback)

This week, Facebook reminded me of the time Jacoby modelled a scarf my ex brought back from a business trip to India.


And oh, how he wore it.


Jake was such an awesome model.


He just…got it.


Jake was just so…special. I don’t know how or why, but together, we could do anything. Some days I really miss him.

Aby-a-Day – 18 September 2020: Sorry I’m late…(Fashion Friday)

You know those ads for customisable T-shirts on Facebook? Well, I clicked on one. And then I made a shirt…”just to see what it would look like.”

Yeah, right.


Well, it came on Wednesday. I love it…I am particularly fond of the way Alfred looks.

Aby-a-Day – 21 Augusti 2020: “It is very dangerous to believe face masks would change the game when it comes to COVID-19”

Hello from Sweden, where the nation’s head epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, tells the citizenry that face masks are “dangerous.” Well, he’s started to come under fire for his stubborn failure to change the advice he’s been giving since February. At least some Swedes are starting to stand up to him and wear masks!


You may remember my post back in June where I showed off my collection of masks.


Well, I just got this new “Six feet, people” mask from a company called Gossby. It’s a fun site, acutally: you can choose the phrase that appears on the mask, and you can choose the colours of the cat. Of course, I chose Abyssinian colours.

I also ordered this mask from them, but it hasn’t arrived yet. Sure looks like an Aby/Somali to me!

They have some cute masks, though. There are even some you can customise to look like your own cats and include their names. I like the wording on this one…the cats, not so much.

Especially when you have this mask, where the cats actually look like breeds. I mean, look at the Izaak cat; that is totally a Singapura! And the Dashiell and Angel cats…well, all of them! But I want the quarantining wording with these cats, so I am conflicted. Maybe I’ll send them an email.



But, as I always say, no one reads this blog to see photos of me, so here is Alfred wearing my new mask.


Be honest: Who wore it better?

Aby-a-Day – 24 Juli 2020: The start of an amazing experience (Friday Flashback)

This memory came up in my Facebook feed today. Seven years ago today, I was contacted by Leslie and Sheila of the Westchester Feline Club because they wanted Jacoby to be the 2013 Westchester Feline Club Cat of the Year.


I have to admit, I really had no clue what a huge honour it was to be named Cat of the Year, but fortunately I’m a fast learner. Of course, seeing his face on the Jumbotron was a pretty big hint.


I was constantly talking to people, or doing something with Jake. Besides the Cat of the Year, Jake was also entered in the show (we only missed two rings, which is a bit of a miracle) and he participated as a model in the Fashion Show which was held both Saturday and Sunday. Jake is actually the first Cat of the Year to do all three things in the same show!


The show was good; Jake made a few finals. And the fashion show was fantastic. They originally wanted Jake to wear a Santa outfit…but when we saw how he rocked this turkey confection, everyone agreed that it was the costume for him! The person who made it even gave it to him afterwards, because he owned it so hard.




The list of previous Cats of the Year is impressive, indeed.



Jake was given an incredible rosette – the Scarlett Ribbon – with a photo of Scarlett, who was the very first Cat of the Year and the reason the award was created.


He was also given this certificate…


…and this poster. I was NOT prepared for all of it!


It was truly a once in a lifetime experience…but I didn’t realise that in July!

Aby-a-Day – 1 Juli 2020: Wordless Wednesday (Canada day, down Canada way)






Aby-a-Day- 31 Januari 2020: The manbun that wouldn’t die (Photoshop Friday)

You know, say what you will about the internet and Facebook in particular, but sometimes it can be a very silly and hilarious place. Remember Jacoby’s manbun? The other day I found a Facebook group called This Cat is PHOTOSHOPPED.

Well, of course I had to join! By way of introduction, I posted the close-up photo of Jacoby with his manbun.

And it BLEW UP. I posted it on Wednesday, and as of this evening, my post has had 1,568 reactions and 98 comments. Wow.

Some of the comments on my post were awesomely hilarious:

“Khajiit has wares, if you have coin.”

“This cat has a 100% chance of stealing your girlfriend”


“That’s one sexy cat! 🔥🐈
I am a little concerned about the fact that I think a cat is sexy though…”

“Jason Momoa in cat form?” “Jason MeowMeowa”

“He looks like he became a millionaire from Bitcoin but has since spent most of it on cocaine.”

And then, people started commenting with Photoshops they’d done including Jake and his Manbun.

Miroslav created a dating profile for Jake, with the caption “Unpopular opinion, Jacoby.” Someone else responded, “Nah, he vapes catnip in enclosed public spaces”

Micaela included Jake in a collage of celebrity manbuns.

Abigail had Smudge the cat confront Jake. Someone commented on her work, “I’m just here, trying to enjoy my salad, and I’m getting upstaged.”

Angela envisioned him as part of the cast of 90210.

But perhaps my favourite was the first photo comment, which started with Jessica asking me, “Can I use this photo for my religion? (ask me what my religion is). When I said, “Ohhhkay…what is your religion?, she responded with this:

I’m interested.

Aby-a-Day – 26 Juli: Remembering Jake’s man bun (Photoshop/Fashion Friday Flashback)

The other day, watching TV, a commercial for small loans came on, featuring “typical Swedes.” The man in the advert is meant to be Lars Johansson (the Swedish version of “Joe Average”), complete with manbun. I laughed and said, “Jeez…And of course he has a manbun! Manbuns are so 2016!”

Which reminded me of the time I Photoshopped a manbun on Jacoby. I’m still pretty proud of this one.

Aby-a-Day – 21 Juni: Who wore it best? (Fashion Friday Flashback)

Glad Midsommar, allihopa! It’s all downhill from here…


Today is the greatest Swedish holiday apart from Jul, the day when we get the longest day and the latest sunset, and in a country known for winter, this is a big deal. When I posted about Midsommar last year, I included photos of Jacoby wearing the traditional flower crown.


I recently found the floral crown again (it had fallen behind some books) this spring. I was thinking Jake could model it again, perhaps outside…but obviously that can’t happen. So I decided to try it on everyone else, and see who, potentially, could be my next hat model. I started with Angel.


After all, Angel does have hat wearing experience.


She wasn’t in the mood today…


…this is the best I could get from her.


So, Alfred, how are you at wearing a flower crown? You are a native born Swede, after all…this should be natural for you!


Er…Where are you going?


Oh, you think the top of the balcony tree is a better background?


You may be right. Okay, give me looking off into the distance.


Great! Now give me sensitive and thoughtful.


Awesome! And now…give me the money shot!




Okay. Let’s try the other Swedish Aby. Lorelai, your turn.


Once again, without the crazy eyes?


Okay…better. But let’s keep going…


Demure…demure is good…or it would be if you weren’t so frowny.


There you go! That’s perfect!


And, now…let’s see how the Polish contestant does. Here you go, Izaak.


Oooookay…could you sit up, please?


And could you lose the attitude?


That’s a little better…keep going…




Okay Zak, now you just look like a Tribble with flowers.


And…yeah, I think that’s the best we’re gonna get from you today. Thank you!

So, who wore the Midsommer flower crown best?

Aby-a-Day – 5 April: “The mobile’s life is hanging by a thread” (Fashion Friday)

When we went to Denmark last summer, one of the best souvenirs I brought home was an amazing cat mobile from the famous Flensted Mobiles of Copenhagen.


Mostly, the cats pay it no mind, because, generally, no one ever looks up.


But when they do look up, they find it fascinating.


Especially Lorelai.



When she notices it, though, she cannot get enough of it. She’ll jump up on Björn’s shoulders to get a closer look.



It’s kind of cute…two of the cats actually look just like Rory reaching for the mobile.


Of all the things I brought back from that trip, this mobile is one of the best things I got. I love looking at it every day. I also got a similar kitten mobile by Flensted that I donated to the NEMO show raffle. I hope whoever won it enjoys it as much as we enjoy ours!

Aby-a-Day – 22 Mars: Kit-Tea (Fashion Friday)

Björn had a wonderful Scottish bone china tea mug featuring men with dogs hunting quail made by Dunoon. Sadly, the mug was accidentally knocked off the counter and broken a month or so ago. It really is the best mug for drinking tea, but that particular design has been discontinued.


Whilst searching for a suitable replacement for his dearly departed mug, Björn also found the perfect mug for me! It features every breed of cat imaginable. Some are featured around the inside edge of the rim, and also in larger illustrations with descriptions on the sides of the mug. As you can see, the Somali is one of the featured breeds.


As you can see it’s a fairly tall mug. It holds a half litre of beverage!


Other breeds are shown along the base of the mug, including the Abyssinian…


…And the Singapura.


The Aby and the Singa are actually kind of next to each other, both next to the handle of the mug, which has a collection of “Cat Facts.” It’s an absolutely lovely mug, and I think it makes the tea taste better. Thank you, Björn, for introducing me to these awesome mugs!

Aby-a-Day – 4 Januari: Cast iron cat bowl holder (Fashion Friday)

I really like using elevated cat bowl stands. I have a couple of different ones, a low silicon one with steel bowls from Granngården that’s perfect for Lorelai, and a Pet Lounge Bambu diner that Jacoby uses.


But recently, I found this really cool, cast iron metal cat-shaped bowl holder on Tradera (kind of a Swedish local eBay). I love it and I’m fascinated by the workmanship. Believe me, I looked, but I couldn’t find any information on who manufactured it or when it was produced. According to various eBay and Etsy posts I found, it is apparently “vintage,” and you can find plenty of images of the bowl on Pinterest and Google Images searches.


But know nothing of its age, origins or anything else. It is, however, awesome.


It now lives out in the kitchen, where it is eaten from, twice daily, by Alfred and Angel.


They were using Bambu feeder, but this one works better in the kitchen, because it’s heavier. These bowls don’t budge now.


Angel and Freddy seem to appreciate their new dining partner, anyway.

Aby-a-Day – 7 December: “I joined the Navy to see the world…what did I see? I saw the sea” (Fashion Friday)

When I first moved to Sweden, I found a Baltic pet life jacket at a second-hand shop. Björn’s brother has a boat, so who knows? Jacoby might go on a boating trip some day. Besides, it was too good a deal to pass up. In pet shops, these vests are at least 200kr (about $22), but I got this one, in perfect shape, for 25kr (about $2.75).


Not only that, but it’s a perfect fit, and Jake rocks it.


He knows how good he looks in it, too.


That feel when you know you’re spectacular.


Then Björn got the idea to put a little sailor’s hat on Jake to finish the outfit.


Which, of course, Jake wore with panache.


If anything, he was even prouder of himself than he was before!

Aby-a-Day – 30 November: Jacoby’s Don Draper suit (Friday Fashion Flashback)

Can you believe it’s been FIVE years since Jacoby got his United Bamboo retro suit that he, famously, wore as JFK to my Marilyn?


But it’s true…it was five years ago this year that I got Jake his “Don Draper” suit.


My, how time has flown, right?


Can you believe it’s been that long since Jake got his cool suit?


Because I can’t.


It seems like he’s always had it…and yet, at the same time, it feels like he just got it. Time is funny that way, isn’t it?

Aby-a-Day – 23 November: “Who’s a pretty bird? WHO’S a pretty bird?” (Friday Fashion Flashback)

Facebook, in its infinite algorithmic wisdom, reminded me this morning of Jacoby’s invitation to be Cat of the Year at the famed Westchester Cat Show and the fashion show where Jake first wore his fabulous Turkey costume.


Hard to believe that it’s been FIVE YEARS since then! So much has happened since then!


Jake clearly thought he looked amazing in his festive outfit.


The beautiful cat costume, made by Golden CouturePet, was only meant to be a loaner for the fashion show…


…But it seemed to be custom-made for Jake. The minute he put it on, it was his. The creator agreed and gave it to Jake as a gift because it suited him so very well.


Jake being named Cat of the Year was such an incredible honour.


We will never forget it.


And we have this sparkly confection of a costume to remember it by. Thank you, Westchester Feline Club!

Aby-a-Day – 21 September: Arrrrrrgh! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day! (Friday Fashion Flashback)

Wednesday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. But as you know, Angel has always been our pirate.


She has had her pirate dress, hat and eyepatch for over five years now!


That’s kind of mind-boggling to me. It feels like we just got everything yesterday!


But in fact, last year I had to replace the feathers on Angel’s hat because they were just starting to disintegrate.



However, I think the new feathers look a lot better than the old ones! Feathers are a big part of the Swedish Easter celebration; they are used to make Påskris, birch twigs decorated with colourful feathers. So every spring I will be able to easily find replacement feathers for Angel…


…as long as I can remember in October where I put them when I bought them in April!

Aby-a-Day – 7 September: Hold that tiger! (Fashion Friday)

At the same venue our last cat show was held, there was a “loppis” (flea market) held outside during some horse racing. And of course we had to go check it out! I was lucky enough to discover this really cool tiger rug in one of the stalls for only 50kr (about $5.50)!


It came originally from a chain called Rusta, and according to a quick Google search for “Rusta Tiger Mattor,” it seems to have been available, and, apparently, a very popular Jul gift between 2009 and 2011.


Of course the moment I put it on the floor, it attracted a cat.


And then it attracted another.


As a cat-trap, it works fairly well. At least, it works better than a circle of tape on the floor.


And then, the cutest thing happened. Oh, Jacoby tried to hide it with his tail…




…but he couldn’t hide it completely. Nope, he was licking Lorelai on the top of the head!



After that, Jake wandered off, and Izaak decided that the tiger needed a mousie, too.



Look at Rory’s face!


She’s like, “Really? We have this cool tiger rug to play with, and you bring a mousie?”


But back to the tiger…it’s really well made, with a nicely-shaped, probably styrofoam-based head with really nice eyes, nose, and whiskers. The fur is pretty high quality, too.


The tail is well done, too. It’s nearly exactly the way they lay out real animal-skin pelts for rugs.


It’s also really long. It reaches all the way to the back of his head.



Zak thought it was fun to play with, too.


As you can see, compared to Zak, it’s a very good size.


Oh, look. Rory’s back.



Let’s wrassle!


Okay back to examining the tiger…oh, wait…


Oh, hey! My mousie!



Aby-a-Day – 10 August: My humans went to Copenhagen and all I got was this lousy T-shirt (Fashion Friday)

Björn and I went to Copenhagen for a short holiday last week. We stayed in a nice (but HOT) hotel right next to Copenhagen’s Central Station. It was a perfect location, walking distance to everything, close to everything…including the famous Tivoli Gardens. It opened on 15 August 1843 and is the second-oldest operating amusement park in the world (the oldest is also in Denmark. Apart from having the oldest wooden roller coaster, it has shows, Halloween and Christmas festivals, fireworks, an adjacent hotel, and a number of restaurants and shops.


Including the only Build-a-Bear store in Scandinavia.


As you may recall, Jacoby loved going to the Build-a-Bear shop in Faneuil Hall, so when I saw souvenir T-shirts there, I knew I had to get him one.


It’s been a while since Jake’s worn any of his outfits, but as you can see, he’s still got it!