Aby-a-Day – 31 Oktober 2020: A most memorable Halloween

This being an election year, I am especially reminded of Halloween 2012, the day Jacoby and I were interviewed by the local NBC affiliate and the Boston Herald.

Meg messaged me first thing Thursday morning…OMG, she said. Jake is on the front page of the Herald. Okay, I figured, he was in a little sidebar photo. Nope.

Here’s the online article (the actual newspaper article was too big to scan).

Not only that…there was a second story and yet another photo of me with Jake.

The crazy thing was…it was most definitely not a slow news week. Besides Wednesday being Halloween, that Sunday, the Patriots has just played a game in Wembley Stadium in London, the worst of Hurricane Sandy hit Boston on Monday, and there was also some sort of election thingy happening the following Tuesday. But yeah…Strollercat was the Herald’s Page One story on Thursday, 1 November 2012.

It was, hands down, the most surreal week of my life. As the Boston Globe’s Michael Morisy so aptly described it, “It’s stuff like #StrollerCat that keeps me simultaneously in love with & terrified of this amazing city.” Yeah, I may have grown up in California, but Boston is my home.

Aby-a-Day – 30 Oktober 2020: Jacoby’s diva scarf (Friday Fashion Flashback)

This week, Facebook reminded me of the time Jacoby modelled a scarf my ex brought back from a business trip to India.


And oh, how he wore it.


Jake was such an awesome model.


He just…got it.


Jake was just so…special. I don’t know how or why, but together, we could do anything. Some days I really miss him.

Aby-a-Day – 29 Oktober 2020: Dashiell’s family (Thursday Things)

This week, Meg sent me a bunch of photos of Dashiell and his littermates, along with photos of his mother, Anubis Evita Loca. Meg said, “She has never been shown; she is far too squirrely. However, she makes beautiful babies.” Okay…that squirrellyness might explain why Dash is so skittish!


The top photo is Evita as a kitten. This photo is a photo of her a week or two later.


I love the way baby Abys have that tuft of sticky-up hair between their ears at a certain age.


Here’s Evita at a few months old.


And here she is as a young adult. Dash does look a bit like her, don’t you think?


This is Dash and his littermates, Rami, brother, and Junie Purr (now GC, RW Anubis Junie Purr). They are one week old in this photo.



Meg didn’t send me any current photos of Junie, but here are a couple of her as a kitten.


Here we have Dash and his brother Rami. Rami is on the left and Dash is on the right.


Here’s Rami at one of his first vet visits.


And here he is as an adult.


Rami actually goes outside, too, on a leash.


Isn’t he handsome?


Here is Dash as a teeny tiny kitten.


He’s a bit older here.


And here, he’s a bit older still.


Finally, here is Dash today. I wish we could go to actual shows. Especially CFA shows (which are rare in this part of Europe). Evita needs just one more of her children to become a Grand to earn a Distinguished Merit title.


If I could show him, I am sure he would do wonderfully.

Aby-a-Day – 28 Oktober 2020: Wordless Wednesday (Apparently, the paper recycling bag makes an awesome bed)




Aby-a-Day – 27 Oktober 2020: Wizard Kittens (Cartoon Tuesday)

I had to share the cutest Kickstarter project I just received: a magical card game called Wizard Kittens. It’s a semi-cooperative set collection card game in which you play as kittens who have accidentally released a few curses from the library’s restricted section. Because the library is a place of quiet, players must defeat the curses quickly before they get caught by the librarian.


I got in really early, and I got a great deal on the full package with all the extras. Izaak thinks the game looks interesting, too.

There are several different character cards, each with different skills and talents. Daisy reminds me of the character in Bittersweet Candy Bowl.

Some of the curse cards are really adorable. This card is something everycat can relate to!

And this this curse reminds me of Zak. I think the other cats can identify with it.


But the very best part of the whole thing? The box glows in the dark! How awesome is that!?

Aby-a-Day – 26 Oktober 2020: Undercovers Dash (Hipstamatic Monday)

With the cooler weather, Dashiell and Izaak have been sleeping under the duvets on our bed. It’s so cute to see him sleeping under the blankets.


Dash is all of us waking up…especially on Monday morning! His face is a mood.


A waking-up blep…


…and Dash is ready to start his day.

Aby-a-Day – 25 Oktober 2020: Paws Across the Sea (Cat Show Sunday)

Remember the artwork I did for a Region 1/Region 9 virtual CFA show? Well, entries are closing today!

I entered Izaak and Lorelai in Championship…even though they aren’t registered in CFA, as long as they are registered in any organisation, they’re eligible to be shown.

I know I use these photos from Örebro a lot, but they are just so wonderful. It’s going to be interesting; whilst Zak is the only Singapura entered (so far), there are three Championship blue Aby girls entered!

Dashiell is entered in Premiership. I wish I had more professional shots of him, but at least we have the photos from the ferry! Although, had I known virtual shows would become a thing, I would have taken his collar off.

Entries were $10 USD each, but the fourth entry was free, so I went ahead and entered Angel as a HHP. The cats will all be examined by CFA judges, just like a real show, and there will be top ten finals. But there is also a Spectators’ Choice element, and people can vote for their favourite cats. To vote for any of our cats, click on their photograph and their gallery page will open in a new window. Votes cost $1 USD each, and you can purchase multiple votes for each at one time, but can only make one transaction per cat per day. Funds raised will go to support both regions. For more information, go to the show’s home page.

Aby-a-Day – 24 Oktober 2020: Making the World Sweeter (Cat Show Saturday)

Last December, we went to a “mini-show” at our nearby pet store, DjurMagazinet, similar to the one we went to in 2018.


One fun thing about these “pet store” shows is, there is no judging, and a lot more downtime. So we get to explore the store.


Including the cat trees.


But Izaak wasn’t the only one exploring the cat trees. If you recall, we met a lovely sorrel Somali named Tootsie at the last show we went to at DjurMagazinet.


Both Tootsie and Zak were (literally) all over the cat trees at the show.


It was fun to watch Tootsie and Zak interact.


They both live with other cats and (used to, anyway) go to cat shows often, so they were quite civil with each other.


They mostly explored the trees individually, but near each other.


Zak really liked how high he could get.



He also really liked the hanging puffball toys, while Tootsie explored the cubbyhole.


Zak then moved to one of the hammocks, and from there seemed to notice Tootsie.


He came down to say hello.


I think they could be friends!

Aby-a-Day – 23 Oktober 2020: “No… no, that would be awful” (Photoshop Friday)

This morning I came across the above retweet from The Lincoln Project saying “We definitely shouldn’t Photoshop Don Jr” accompanied, conveniently, with a handy blank.


So I definitely didn’t spend the rest of the day Photoshopping Don Jr…

Aby-a-Day – 22 Oktober 2020: We may have found a boy! (Thursday Things)

Lorelai has been pacing and yowling for weeks…but we haven’t been able to find a male for her that we could get to.


Until now.


I got a message today from Susanna Wallebo:

Sorry I did not answer earlier.

I think Ritchie is fertile. On Monday I will send in the poop sample on him. Also waiting for DNA test on him as his father is a PRA carrier. So Ritchie could be a carrier. The laboratory has promised that I will receive an answer at the end of October.

Since your cat is not a PRA carrier, there is no problem with mating.

There is a female ahead in the queue. So we can only hope that she starts her heat soon.


The boy, S*Cat Claw’s Rock Star Ritchie, isn’t even a year old yet, so we have been waiting for him to mature. Evidently, he has…so stay tuned!

Aby-a-Day – 21 Oktober 2020: Wordless Wednesday (Extreme birdwatching)







Aby-a-Day – 20 Oktober 2020: A forgotten illustration (Cartoon Tuesday)

I can’t believe I never posted this illustration I did for CFA’s Cat Talk magazine in 2015. I mean, I posted the other Persian illustration I did for Cat Talk! This drawing was done to accompany a reminiscence written by a known Himalayan breeder about the first cat show she attended. I’m a bit proud of this; I found original ads for Minqua Cattery in old Cats magazines to include in the illustration.

This is the article, written by Diane Castor, that my drawing accompanied:

My mother used to laugh and say, “Diane is my Aunt Mame reincarnated”. I used to beam as Aunt Mame was a famous cat lover and I’d nod my head with pleasure to be compared to this wonderful woman who gave me through her genes, my love for cats.

Cat breeders are not born, cat lovers are.

Suffice to say, I spent my young life in search of any cat that just might want to come and live with us. They followed me home, they turned up on our door step, they walked through the snow. Any excuse I could find, I tried. Only to meet the resistance of both my parents. “No cats.” The pestering kept up for years and finally is desperation, my father promised that when I got married and had a home of my own, he would buy any kind of cats I wanted. There, it was finally done and I shut up.

Life inched by and I finally met and married my husband, Bruce in 1960. By February 1961, I was pregnant and we bought our first house and moved from our adult apartment complex to our new home that Spring. The time had come to make the telephone call to my father.

To say that he was surprised was an understatement, but he agreed to the bargain and I found a red tabby Persian Kitten locally and promptly named him Punkin.

In the summer afternoons, I would sit on the sofa with Punkin on my belly and read. As the baby grew, so did Punkin and in late October, Bruce Jr. was born and Punkin was almost an adult. I adored him.

As any young mother knows, a bit of respite from mothering can be very beneficial to her health. In February 1962, Bruce and I decided to take a long weekend in Atlantic City and his mother would come and care for Bruce and Punkin.

Ah, freedom. Saturday morning, it looked like we were going to have to contend with rain. But we were young and willing to chance a walk on the Board Walk. As the rain fell heavier, we ducked into a small card shop and there on the window sill sat a big fat calico spay snuggled in her basket. Naturally, while petting this lovely cat, we engaged the owner in conversation. As we chatted, she told us there was a Cat Show in town in case we wanted to go. I nearly leap out of my high heeled pumps. I most certainly did want to go!

We were on the move and shortly were surrounded by cats and people. It was the most thrilling moment of my life. I was surrounded by cats in cages, on tables, on people’s laps and cats being carried over people’s arms to Judging rings. Cats of all colors and breeds. I didn’t know which way to look first. I was beside myself with joy. My cup runneth over! As we walked the aisles together, I stopped in front of a cage that held the most beautiful kitten I had ever seen! She was standing up with her paws out between the bars. She looked at me with emerald green eyes and I looked at her and my heart fell into her paws. She had to be mine. I opened the cage door and she came directly to me and into my hands. I fell in love as I held her to my heart and murmured into her ear how beautiful she was and now much I loved her. At that moment, we were alone together.

Into this moment of reverie, a hand touched my shoulder and a gentle voice said, “would you mind putting my kitten back into her cage?” My reply was, “but she loves me.”

“I can see that.” This wonderful, kind gentleman was Tom Markinke. We spent all afternoon with Tom talking about Persians. He introduced us to his wife Jane, who was clerking and by the end of Saturday, we knew we would be back the next day.

On Sunday we continued our fledgling friendship. I learned that this kitten I loved was a silver tabby Persian. Her name was Minqua’s Palmyra. I can still see her in my mind’s eye as I write. We did offer the huge sum of $150! I learned that no amount of money could by this lovely little girl as a silver tabby female was extremely rare. Palmyra was not to be mine after all.

We asked Tom to keep us informed as to where they were going to be showing so that we could come and see them again. We parted as solid new friends with a future cemented together.

Over fifty years have passed since this meeting took place. Tom and Jane Martinke have been dead for many years, but I think of them so often for their kindness to a young cat person. Now, looking back, my meeting them was the very first step in learning just how new people should be treated in the Fancy. A loving lesson I have never forgotten. I was finally learning to listen and to learn from those who knew more than I.

They continued to teach and to take us under their wing. We joined the Eastern Tabby-Tortie Club and we were able to meet other well known breeders who also took an interest in our love for the Persian.
We spent a number of years with the Martinkes before we felt comfortable buying a show kitten and in the Spring of 1967, we found just the kitten we wanted to use as our first show male. We finally had our new baby boy and his name was Jumbies Charlie Brown, a brown tabby Persian. Bred by Dr. Judith Stoyle, who was to become our closest friend until her death a few years ago. I miss her terribly.

In the fall of 1968, we registered our Cattery, Playwickey. We were ready to begin our long journey in the Fancy.

Aby-a-Day – 19 Oktober 2020: “I wanna live with a cinnamon girl” (Medical Mystery Monday)

When we were planning on breeding Lorelai with Io, I was wondering what the chances were that they might have a fawn kitten. I consulted the Abyssinian Database’s colour breeding chart.

These are the possible results. The males are on the top: Sorrel not carrying dilute (bbDD) and Sorrel carrying dilute (bbDd). The females are on the left: Blue not carrying cinnamon (BBdd) and Blue carrying cinnamon (Bbdd). Io had produced fawn kittens, so we knew he carries dilute. So…the big question: Does Rory carry cinnamon?

With the pandemic and all, I didn’t want to send the test all the way to UC Davis, so I found a European lab that offers a test for the Cinnamon gene. So I ordered a test and swabbed Rory’s cheeks.



Izaak helped to make sure the paperwork was all in order before I mailed it off.

About a week later, the results came back…and, unfortunately, Rory is BB, so she doesn’t carry cinnamon. Depending on the male, she can only have ruddy or blue kittens…but her kittens could possibly have fawn kittens.

Aby-a-Day – 18 Oktober 2020: An Autumn Outing (Swedish Cinema Sunday)

Autumn is in full swing here in southwestern Sweden. We’re actually a very similar climate to New England, which is nice; it made the transition just that much easier.


It was 7°C (44°F), but it felt colder. Izaak has a habit of holding one foot up when the ground is wet or cold…he was doing that a lot today.


Lorelai and Alfred went out as well; after her escape escapade, we’ve kept her on a leash when she’s gone outside. Today, though, we put on her harness and had the leash on reserve.


It worked; she didn’t run away…she barely ran at all. But at least she had free range. She finally went down the hill to see what Freddy was doing at the treeline.


I guarantee Freddy is in this photo. Bonus points if you can find him.


Eventually, Rory came back up the hill and sat under this abandoned, broken chair someone used as a base to spraypaint something. She looks so reflective.


I wonder what she’s thinking about?

I also made a little video of Zak and Rory while we were outside. I love watching these two interact outside.

Aby-a-Day – 17 Oktober 2020: Sometimes you just need a Singa (Singapura Saturday)

As you know, Alfred has a very special relationship with Logan, and I always wondered how he would react to Izaak.


Well, sometimes I find this:



Freddy cuddling and grooming Zak.


Zak doesn’t seem to be as into the cuddle session as Freddy is, but he seems to understand that Freddy needs it.


And maybe he does. Freddy and Zak don’t have the same relationship as Freddy and Logan did…but I guess sometimes Freddy just misses Logan, and Zak is the next best thing.

Aby-a-Day – 16 Oktober 2020: Logan and the refrigerator (Friday Flashback)

A memory of Logan came up in my Facebook feed today.


Logan was a lot more agile than Izaak is. This is Logan on a tiny ledge on the top of the door to the cabinet above our refrigerator.



Not to say he was 100% confident up there, but the fact that he got up there at all is huge.


I cannot imagine Izaak even thinking of trying to go up there, let alone actually doing it.


He even started to groom himself up there!


As similar as Singapuras seem to each other…they are definitely individuals!

Aby-a-Day – 15 Oktober 2020: Airing Izaak’s dirty laundry (Thursday Things)

As I have posted before, Izaak loves IKEA mousies.


We went to a cat show with Lorelai nine days after we got him, and he already displayed his love for mousies by packing one for me in our suitcase.


But what happens when the mousies, especially the white ones, get dirty?


Well…I wash them, and then I put them in the dryer. Here you have some of Zak’s freshly laundered mousies.

Aby-a-Day – 14 Oktober2020: Wordless Wednesday (Sharing is caring!)









Aby-a-Day – 13 Oktober 2020: Forgotten doodle (Cartoon Tuesday)

Going through some folders on my laptop today, I found this little doodle of Jacoby I did on a whiteboard. It seems I drew it on one of our therapy visits. I don’t think I have seen it since I took the photo back in 2013…so here it is.

Aby-a-Day – 12 Oktober 2020: The best of friends (Hipstamatic Monday)

Izaak was the first cat who befriended Dashiell when he first arrived, and they both eat all their meals together in our bedroom.


As such, these two boys have a very special bond. I was walking past the bedroom yesterday and saw these two snuggled up together.


It wasn’t after a meal or anything…they were just hanging out together on the bed.


They are so cute together…and this is way easier to get photos of than when they’re chasing each other through the house at top speed!