Chin Acne

Angel has the worst case of chin acne I have ever seen; I thought Gun-Hee’s was bad but it was nothing compared to Angel’s. Her entire chin is black, and of course, she doesn’t like me to flea comb the black out, wash her chin with hydrogen peroxide and put on benzoyl peroxide and bacitracin (which is what the vet told me to do for Gun-Hee). I’m taking her to the vet tomorrow to see if there isn’t anything else I can do. I have no idea why she has it. She didn’t have it when I adopted her. And it’s funny because she doesn’t drink from the community waterer and feeder, which are plastic (and which I thought contributed to Gun-Hee’s acne), but she eats in the bedroom from only stainless steel and ceramic dishes. Weird.

She’s getting braver; this is her on the sofa as I type (taken with my iPhone).


Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Gun-Hee Day

December 15th is Gun-Hee day. That was the day we got him.

This was our first photo together.

I can’t believe it’s been almost 6 months since he died.

His brother, Rusty, also died from FIP on October 10. Their mother, Amber, also passed away shortly after. The cause of her death is not known; last I heard they were doing an autopsy to find that out. It was very sudden.

So much sadness in the little cat family.

I miss him every day. He was my little buddy.

I know I stopped the “Gun-Hee a Day” project 50 days short. I truly intended to finish it, but the truth is…I got to the point where I wasn’t sure if I was posting new photos or repeats…and since there’s no way to take new photos, I just stopped. When I started the project, it was beyond comprehension that he wouldn’t be alive at the end of the year.

That being said, I will continue next year with Angel, the little one-eyed Aby rescue that Gun-Hee found for me. You can follow her story at .

Thank you for being a part of Gun-Hee’s life.

Angel posing on the sofa

Angel posing on the sofa.
I have a lot of photos of her to post…the reason I haven’t posted them yet is, basically, technical difficulties. So please stay tuned.

Funny girl!

When I adopted her, Angel’s foster mom told me that sometimes she’d see Angel playing with invisible things in the air that she thought might be shadows in her good eye.

I hadn’t managed to catch her doing this, until tonight. She’s on a roll, batting at things only she can see. It’s adorable.