Aby-a-Day – January 31: Olympic fever (Friday Flashback)

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia begin next weekend. We’re all big winter sports fans here in this household, so the Winter Olympics are a Very Big Deal.


And no one is more excited for the Games to begin than Angel.


She loves hockey. And she really enjoys watching it as closely as she can.


“Oh, I’m sorry…did you want to see the game, too?”


Angel’s an especially avid fan of speed skating.


She’s rooting for South Korea this year again…during the 2010 Vancouver Games she thought she could help them out by catching their opponents…

Abys in Need: Rosie in Florida Panhandle

Rosie is a rare chocolate Aby who needs a new home in Niceville, FL. Rosie is not aggressive, but she is very unhappy having to share her space, food, litter box with the other cats. She currently lives in a home with five other cats. She also has a mild allergic skin condition (you can kind of see it in her photo) which is easily controlled. She is very friendly and affectionate with humans.

“Rosie was born in June of 2006. Her human has had her since she was a kitten and has her papers. She will read the contract, but she didn’t think the breeder wanted her back in case of re-homing. She Niceville, FL is in the northwest corner, ie the panhandle, of Florida. I hope there is someone out there who will give her the perfect home.”

If you’re interested, contact Greta Weimer at 850-678-8812 or email RescueMe.Org (Rescue Me ID: 14-01-26-00603).

Aby-a-Day – January 30: To boldly go where no Aby has gone before…

I have to admit, I’m loving the cute photos of Jacoby and Angel together that I’ve been taking in the new apartment.


I mean, look at them! They almost look like they’re best friends who cuddle together and groom each other!


And maybe, someday, they will become those kind of kitty buddies.


Photos like this give me hope.


Photos, however, can be deceiving. This photo looks hopeful, too.


But then this happened…


…and then this…


…which ended with Angel scurrying away hissing a blue streak. Oh well…can’t win them all.

Aby-a-Day – January 29: Wordless Wednesday (Angel’s close-up)


Aby-a-Day – January 28: “Now you see it, now you don’t” (Cartoon Tuesday)

Moving must drive the cats crazy.


They hate it when things move around…

(Click cartoon to embiggen, or you can view all cartoons in Slideshow mode on Flickr.)

Aby-a-Day – January 27: All ball (Hipstamatic Monday)

It seems the older Jacoby gets, the more cuddly he becomes.


Whenever I lie down on the bed now, he’s right there with me.


Curled up and purring away.


I hope the fact that the TV and the bed will be in different rooms in the new place won’t change our cuddle routine…

Abys are Everywhere: Can Cats Be Therapy Animals?

Hey, wait a minute…that’s not just any Aby…


My friend TJ Banks interviewed Jacoby and me for this article she wrote for PetsAdviser: “Hooray for Cats! More and More Are Becoming Therapy Animals”. Check it out!

Aby-a-Day – January 26: Look through any window

We closed on our new apartment last week, and it’s being renovated now. We hope to move in sometime next month.



In the meantime, we have been taking the cats to visit what will be their new territory.



They’ve been having a lot of fun exploring the empty apartment! I’ve taken lots of photos to share of all of them investigating the new space.



I wanted to start with these, though…Jacoby and Angel sharing a window.


Such a nice, peaceful moment with no growling or hissing!


Angel even jumped up on the windowsill next to Jake without anything happening!


I hope this continues when the furniture comes in.

Aby-a-Day – January 25: “Vast” (Saturday Photo Hunt)

This week’s Photo Hunt subject is “Vast.” VAST is the Vermont Association of Snow Travelers.


Jacoby could be a member.

Abys are Everywhere: Even Rush Limbaugh’s house!

Say what you will about Rush Limbaugh (and I probably have)…there is one thing you have to give the man credit for: He lives with an Abyssinian cat named Punky.

During a random Google image search for something completely non-Aby related, I discovered this little story about what happened when Rush’s Aby needed to fast for 12 hours before a vet appointment:

A little story here. Everybody’s asking me here, “What are you so edgy about today?” I’m not edgy. I just didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night. You know, we treat our little pets like our kids, especially if you don’t have kids you treat the little animals like your kids. And Punkin had to go to the vet today for a standard checkup, a urinalysis and a teeth cleaning and because you can’t make a cat pee on demand and you can’t get a cat to hold still while you brush its teeth, they have to anesthetize the cat at the vet’s office. That means, just like human beings, you cannot feed the cat for a period of 12 hours prior to the cat’s appointment at the doctor. So that meant I could not feed Punkin after eight o’clock. I made sure she had something to eat about 7:30 and then all the bowls, I emptied them out, left the bowls there empty, she has two places in the house where she eats. And by pattern, she came down to the library about 11:30 p.m., where I was feverishly working on comments after I’d watched all these speeches last night, and she starts rubbing against my legs, jumping up on my lap, starts head-butting me, and I know what that means. It means she wants to eat, and I looked at her, I said, “I’m sorry.”

I looked right into her eyes, “I’m sorry Punky, but I can’t feed you.” She doesn’t know what I’m saying, she’s a cat. So, I get upstairs, and as a habit, she leads me into her room, because I feed her right before I go to bed, it’s just become a habit. She leads me in, and I have to go in there anyway to get something. When I don’t feed her she just gets this perplexed look on the face, and I’m saying, “Sweetie, I can’t feed you. You have to go to the doctor tomorrow.” And of course she doesn’t know what I’m saying. I’m talking to an animal. She has these big almond eyes just looking at me like this doesn’t make sense to her. So I go get in bed about one o’clock, 1:30 a.m., and in five minutes the cat jumps on the bed. She never sleeps with me. I mean, maybe once that blue moon. She got underneath the covers! She started biting my toes. She started licking. She’s furrowing around under there like a ferret. I ignore her, trying to go to sleep. “Big day tomorrow on the EIB Network,” I’m saying to myself. I said, “Punky, I’m sorry, I can’t feed you.” She finally moves out from underneath the covers and gets on the pillow and starts head-butting me, and I just ignore her and all I want to do is feed this little cat because she hasn’t eaten in a while, can’t do it because she gotta go to the doctor.

Finally I fall asleep, and at 4:30 a.m. or five here come the head-butts again. She’s not mad. She wants to eat. She doesn’t understand why I’m ignoring her. We create little habits in our animals, and this was a big break in the routine and the habit; there was no food! This only happens twice a year for these checkups; the animal can’t get used to it. So finally at 7:30 a.m. I got up, and this little cat bounded out of the bed and just ran as happily and joyously to our little room where I feed her, leading me all the way and I just watched her go, she turned around and stopped seeing I didn’t follow her, and she just had the saddest look. And then she’d take a couple steps and turn around and see if I was following. I said, “Punky, I’m sorry, I can’t feed you.” I say to myself, again, I’m talking to a cat. So I finally just went into my bathroom and did something else I never do, and that’s shut the door. I have two doors into the bathroom-closet complex, and I closed the outer door so she couldn’t get in there and make me feel even guiltier, because what I’m doing is for her own safety and so forth.

One of the members of the staff was going to come up and get her at eight o’clock and put her in a little cat cage and take her to the vet. I got outta the shower and the cat was gone. It was just tough. She was so happy this morning, “Oh, finally I’m going to get to eat,” and she didn’t get to eat, trying to lead me in there, taking two steps, looking back at me. Heartbreaking stuff. This has been a tough day.

While I don’t really like how he keeps calling her “an animal,” I love the way he describes trying to sleep when an Aby wants you awake.

Sadly, Punkin died at age 16 of acute renal failure last August. The sadness Rush felt at her passing is obvious. And, like any Aby person, after a suitable mourning period, he got another Aby kitten, named Allie, who is every bit an Abyssinian from Rush’s description.

Like I said, I’m probably the last person who’d ever be a fan of Rush Limbaugh…but I can’t deny the man has good taste in cats!

Aby-a-Day – January 24: Stronger than Dirt (Friday Flashback)

One bittersweet thing about moving is that now we will be in an apartment in which Gun-Hee never lived.


So many things in our apartment now remind me of him.


Even ordinary things, like laundry.



He always had to do his best to help!


Now, most cats would try to sit in the dryer, but not our Gun-Hee…


Oh, no.


He was happy to sit in the washer as well.



At least, he was happy to stay in there until I threatened to turn on the water!



Then he was off to find some other chore to help with.


These photos were taken in April 2007, when Gun-Hee was only 7 months old…and two years before Jacoby was born.

Aby-a-Day – January 23: Who wants pancakes?!

I’d been wanting to get one for a while, so I finally broke down and ordered my very own Jacoby Pancake Pet from Tokipoki.


I got him just after Christmas and couldn’t wait to introduce Jake to his two-dimensional alter-ego.


The Pancake Jake is supposed to be lifesized, but I think it may actually be larger than Jake. Now I will have a lovely – and easy-to-pack – surrogate Jake to take along with me when I travel.


I think Jake was less than impressed, though.


“Really? Really!? Anyone can see I am much handsomer!”


Finally, though, Jake deigned to give his likeness a sniff…




“It was an accident, I swear!”


Luckily, Pancake Jake is made tough. He got a little dent, but he’s otherwise unscathed.

Abys are Everywhere – German felted bed model

I love it when Hauspanther has a post that features an Abyssinian model.

The beds are made by the German company PetInteriors, but never fear: they ship worldwide – and they also feature free shipping to the US and Canada!

And not only do they have an Aby modelling their cat products, but they also have Abyssinian customers. This is Fahari from Gera, Germany enjoying a wall-mounted Rondo basket bed.

Thanks again, Hauspanther!

Aby-a-Day – January 22: Wordless Wednesday (Anatomy of a roll)


Abys are Everywhere: Abissini d’Italia

One of the members of the Abyssinian Cat Club on Facebook, Chiara Parodi, posted an article which appeared yesterday in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, which featured photos of her Abyssinians Solarian Velluto (the largest photo) and kittens Solarian Valentino (ruddy), Solarian Vanilla (fawn) and Regtime Vulcano (sorrel/red).

You can read the original piece (in Italian) on the Corriere della Sera website.

Aby-a-Day – January 21: “The trouble with boxing is that too often it ends in sadness” (Cartoon Tuesday)

I always wonder what that cats think about moving.


I mean, it must be exciting, with all these new boxes coming in, right?

(Click cartoon to embiggen, or you can view all cartoons in Slideshow mode on Flickr.)

The polls are closed…

The Moderncat “Star Cat” contest closed today at 3pm Eastern time. There were some cats who collected over 40,000 votes…but our Jacoby didn’t do too badly…

…he hit 1600 votes this afternoon! I don’t know what his exact final total was, but the highest number I heard for him was 1613.

Thank you to everyone who voted as many times as you could…now I guess we just wait and see what happens next…

Aby-a-Day – January 20: Coming in out of the cold (Hipstamatic Monday)

So, after Jacoby and I went outside in that snow…after we changed out of our sodden, snow-encrusted clothing and shook all the ice out of our parkas’ ruffs…



…we warmed up in front of the TV.



You can see he doesn’t hold a grudge, our Jake.



Even though he doesn’t like the boots, he tolerates them; he understands that his feet would be cold and wet without them.



He cuddled right up on my lap and we watched Law and Order. Does it get any better than that?

Aby-a-Day – January 19: “I should buy a snowmobile”

Because it had to be done…

You all remember this guy, the famous “I should buy a boat” Aby from the Bjork video, right?


Well, this photo…


Yeah. It had to be done.

Aby-a-Day – January 18: “Ripple” (Saturday Photo Hunt)

This week’s Photo Hunt subject is “Ripple.”


Snow can ripple, too.


When I took Jacoby out into the snow, it was really deep…and really soft.


He sank right in! But after a bit, he got his footing and started to enjoy the snow.






Jake did get a little snow up his nose, though…


You can see the wake he left in the snow.


Snow is just like water, really.



Except that after you go swimming in snow, you can see what it looked like when you get out!