Aby-a-Day – Day 181 of 365

Jacoby really missed me when I was gone. I walked in the door and Jake’s eyes lit up and his tail started twitching…it was heartwarmingly gratifying. I took him out into the hallway to run, but instead of running on the carpet, he just followed me, looking up at my face and watching my hands…he wasn’t happy until I got down to his level on the floor and let him give me head butts and rubs.

Angel isn’t as belligerent with her affections, but she’s glad we’re home, too.


Aby-a-Day – Day 180 of 365

Vacations are great and all, and it’s wonderful to be able to wear my black T-shirts without getting cathair all over them…but it’s hard to sleep without someone purring in my ear. And I’ve missed my Aby antics…

…Like this one. Jacoby is such a little ham. He loves to pose near the TV so we’ll pay attention to him. We have a Philips Ambilight, and he knows the backlight only sets off his rugged good looks.

Want some cheese with that ham?

(My icon is another example of him using the TV’s backlight to his advantage.

Aby-a-Day – Day 179 of 365

Two years ago today, Gun-Hee died from FIP. Even though we now have Angel and Jacoby, I still miss Gun-Hee every day.


Sept. 14, 2006 – June 28, 2008.

Aby-a-Day – Day 178 of 365

This is an older photo of Angel; I took it in October of 2009. I like the way she’s balancing on the windowsill.


Aby-a-Day – Day 177 of 365

Jacoby is often as hilarious as his half-brother Gun-Hee was. One thing they have in common is a love for stealing things and dragging them back to their “lair.”

This time it was an empty – and rinsed – ground beef container. We’d put it by the front door so we could take it out to the recycle bin, and Jake decided he needed it.

He grabbed it and dragged it to the bedroom. I’m sure that if I’d let him, he’d have taken it on our bed to do whatever it was he had planned. He takes all his best toys into our bed.

Aby-a-Day – Day 176 of 365

Angel tends to camp out on top of one of the cat trees; the height gives her a sense of security. And Jacoby, with no sense of personal space, likes to join her up there.


I’m not sure how that’s a comfortable position for Angel,
but she stayed that way for a while.


This, however, looks even less comfortable.

Boy Abys sure have…chutzpah

I had to share this photo posted in …

Caution: NSFW

Aby-a-Day – Day 175 of 365

Angel is really getting into World Cup Soccer.


This is the South Korea v. Greece game the Saturday before last.


She’s rooting for South Korea.


The goal cam especially fascinates her.


Lucky for all of us, she doesn’t have a vuvuzela!

Aby-a-Day – Day 174 of 365

We’re in San Francisco for a week. Last night I was packing…and Jake suspected something was up.


Aby-a-Day – Day 173 of 365

The last time we went to the Korean grocery store, we bought this amazing top. It shoots LED lights and plays the theme song to Beverly Hills Cop

Jacoby loved it.

He deliberately hit it with his paw to make the light scatter.
I think it reminded him of the laser pointer.

Mom, this thing is awesome!

Aby-a-Day – Day 172 of 365

Jacoby poses in front of the deceptively turquoise-hued waters of Fort Point Channel.


Aby-a-Day – Day 171 of 365

I really like this photo of Angel, and the ethereal glow that surrounds her.

She seems so intent. On what, I’m not entirely sure.

Is it an Aby?

I saw this photo on This is Photobomb, one of the sites in the Cheezburger Network. This one is devoted to people caught in the background of a photo and is frequently R rated.

But this one post of theirs caught my eye because of the cat (of course). I think it’s an Abyssinian, but it’s hard to see with the flash and the eye lazors.

So: Aby? Yes or no?

Half-Aby Kittens Looking for Homes

posted this in and I promised I’d boost the signal here.

Hi everyone,

A breeder friend of mine had a perplexing experience this week. She had brought in a couple of Abys from another breeder to breed to her male – but it turned out they arrived pregnant and she has seven Aby cross kittens that will be available in the next 10-12 weeks. She is a really great person and takes great care of her charges. She is also a very responsible breeder and this is no way her fault.

She is not looking to make money off these little guys, only to cover her costs of deworming, first shots, etc. They will be raised underfoot and socialized in the same way she does for her Abys. She has to determine that cost but I will post it when I hear from her. She will not consider a shelter and will keep them until they find suitable homes.

If you or anyone you know is looking for an interesting looking kitty, leave a comment and I will put you in touch with her. She is in the Vancouver area and will ship in North America (your cost). She has these guys below and another litter that have the blue aby colouring, pictures to come of those guys (they were born this week). She figures they will be bigger than regular Abys but they should have the temperment and high activity level typical of Abyssinians.

Look at the cute!

The kitten in the top photo looks like she might be a tortoishell Aby mix. From these photos, the kittens look like they’re going to show more Abyssinian physical traits than not.

If you are interested in adopting and you live in North America, please contact for more information.

Jake and Angel as LOLcats

Over in Cat_Macros, Magenta_Dawned made this LOLcat starring Angel and Jacoby:

Aby-a-Day – Day 170 of 365

I love this photo of Jacoby looking down a drainage grate at Rolling Bridge Park.

Part of why I love it is because his half-brother Gun-Hee was also fascinated by a similar grate at that same park.

Aby-a-Day – Day 169 of 365

I love this photo of Jacoby and Angel’s first outing together. Jake was about 3-1/2 months old here…even when they’re young, Abys look like miniature adults. They never seem to have a fluffy awkward kitteny stage.


Aby-a-Day – Day 168 of 365

Angel sums up our feelings towards LA…


Aby-a-Day – Day 167 of 365

This is what Jacoby looks like most of the time…especially when he sees the laser pointer.


Aby-a-Day – Day 166 of 365

I really like the outside of the Broadway T station, mostly because I love glass brick, and Broadway has a lot of it.

It also makes for great photos.


Serious Jake is serious.


I love how, despite the flash, he still managed to blur his ear.