Gun-Hee a day/91 of 366

This is Gun-Hee chasing a flash of light reftracted from a piece of my jewelry…

Gun-Hee a day/90 of 366

What I saw this morning…I never know what these two are up to.

Gun-Hee a day/89 of 366

I got this mouse-in-a-wheel wind-up toy.

Gun-Hee was less than impressed.

Gun-Hee a day/88 of 366

Windows on the world…

Sometimes I wonder if Gun-Hee knows the difference between windows and the TV.

Gun-Hee a day/87 of 366

Gun-Hee has a…fascination…with the hall closet. Whenever I open it (at least once a day), he feels the need to dash in there…and then, not come out.

Can you see the Aby kitten?

Extreme close up.

Gun-Hee a day/85 of 366

This little scene cracked me up. I have no idea what’s going on here…

…But whatever it is, it’s Boys Only. No Girls Allowed!

Gun-Hee a day/85 of 366

More tail-chasing.

Gun-Hee a day/84 of 366

Every morning when I’m getting ready for work, Gun-Hee likes to knock around in the tub. And I do mean “knock around.” We go in to take a shower and find half the shampoo/conditioner/soaps on the floor.

I have no idea why he decided to lick his chops. Tasty tasty soap??

Gun-Hee a day/83 of 366

Happy Easter!

These photos were taken when Gun-Hee was tiny. He loved to play with plastic easter eggs, just as Kylie did when she was that age.

Gun-Hee a day/82 of 366

One thing that Gun-Hee does that he’s never outgrown and I’ve never got tired of is his love of chasing his own tail. This is a trait he shares with his Uncle Whitey. And, like his uncle (who, I am told, chases his tail on the top of the cat tree), he does it in the most precarious of places. Like the back of the toilet.

Gun-Hee a day/81 of 366

Sometimes, Gun-Hee just sort of…I don’t know. Stares randomly at the wall.


Gun-Hee a day/80 of 366

Gun-Hee sees Hudsucker’s Proxy for the first time…you know, for kids.

Gun-Hee a day/79 of 366

“It’s not a laptop…it’s a really warm, really hard pillow…”

I love this one…he’s tucking his paws underneath the laptop to make them warmer!

Gun-Hee a day/78 of 366

By popular demand…Gun-Hee’s voice!

Gun-Hee a day/77 of 366

I’m getting married (In August)…here’s me posing with my veil…and, of course, with Gun-Hee…

And two more…

Note on Gun-Hee’s meow…

…I haven’t forgotten. I just haven’t been able to capture it when he was actually meowing.

Just know that I am working on it!

Gun-Hee a day/76 of 366

Shadow of Gun-Hee…

Gun-Hee a day/75 of 366

Gun-Hee makes some of the funniest faces…

Gun-Hee a day/74 of 366

Lazors. I has them.

Gun-Hee a day/73 of 366

Gun-Hee’s job when we’re in the kitchen: Solicit food at all cost.