Aby-a-Day – 22 November 2020: Remember when we travelled? (Cat Show Sunday)

Today Björn posted a memory from this day last year, with the comment, “It’s a year since the last cat show we attended, and when we could travel like so many times before. How things can change in a year…”

This was the train to the ferry to a Turku, Finland, where Izaak and Lorelai earned their International Champion titles. We haven’t been to a show since then. A whole year without a cat show…hard to believe. And I haven’t been anywhere at all since July! Because of my asthma I stay in as much as possible, especially since the health officials in Sweden are still saying masks don’t help against the coronavirus…especially on public transportation.

“We don’t see that we are at a point where we might recommend general use of face masks on public transport,” Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of the Public Health Agency in Stockholm, told reporters on Thursday. “Face masks shouldn’t be used as an excuse not to keep a distance.” That’s a direct quote. Yeeeeaaahhhh…I’m not going anywhere by train for a while.

Aby-a-Day – 4 November 2020: Wordless Wednesday (Speechless)





Aby-a-Day – 26 Juni 2020: “Wearing a mask is not only important, it’s life-saving” (Fashion Friday)

You may recall my post back in April about cat-themed face masks to wear as a defence against spreading Covid-19. Even though Sweden has been famously against face masks (I went out shopping today and saw ZERO masks apart from my own), the tide may be changing; Dr. Tengele may be changing his opinion on masks (finally).

The above mask came from a link on Facebook. It’s cute, and a double layer of cotton. Unfortunately, it’s too hot to wear in the summer.



I love these two masks featuring a (Singapuras and BLUE Abyssinians wearing masks…but they are also double-layer (and have a pocket for a charcoal filter), and way too hot to wear in summer.


my favourite mask was made by my friend Airie of Simply Sphynx. It’s a single layer cotton mask with a cute kitty print on.


It’s very breathable and comfortable to wear – my favourite thing about this mask is that it doesn’t loop around the ears like all the others. When you wear glasses, that can be a real issue.


But nobody reads this blog to see photos of me, so…


…Here is Izaak wearing the Singapura mask.


I absolutely love that this mask features BLUE Abyssinians.


Lorelai…not so much.

Aby-a-Day – 30 Maj: Stroller Rage (Thursday Things)

Yesterday, I had an appointment to take everycat to the vet for a check-up and jabs. Björn didn’t have the day off, so I had to manage on my own. Naturally, I took them all in our new stroller. Our appointment was in the middle of the afternoon (not that Skövde really has a “rush hour,” unless you count when all the kids get out of school), so the bus wasn’t crowded at all.


We have to take two buses to get to our vet, and the first leg of our journey was uneventful.


The buses we have in Västra Gotalands have a dedicated space for strollers, with room for two (theoretically, as we will see).


This isn’t the first time we’ve taken all four in this stroller (we had a trip to DjurMagazinet in April), and it was vastly easier than trying to do it with Jacoby’s old stroller! Still, I did feel a bit like that man in Tokyo who takes his nine Persians out in a stroller.


As you can see, everyone fit very comfortably in the stroller. We also got lucky with the weather. It was sunny and warm. Today it’s grey and rainy.


On the second bus (also empty), we started out comfortably.


And then…it happened. Another stroller wanted to get on the bus.


Of course, I instantly shifted over as much as I could, but she wasn’t very good at manoeuvering her stroller (it was one of those awkward raised car seat/stroller combo things).


In fact, she was having so much trouble getting on the bus, the driver got up to see what was taking so long. And he glared at me like it was my fault and told me to let her on, like I was deliberately blocking her. As you can see, I was jammed in as much as I could possibly be.


And then, on the way home, it happened AGAIN! This time, it was one of those awful double stroller, with one kid who looked about five…isn’t that a little old to be needing a stroller? Again, I shifted over and jammed in, but this woman was a LOT better at managing her stroller, and her older boy (the one not in the stroller, behind me) seemed to really love the cats.


I understand that people with little kids need strollers, because I need a stroller to schlep multiple cats around. I couldn’t even imagine what it would have been like trying to manage three (we have one that’s a double) cat carriers on my own! And believe me, I am no stranger to controversy about cat strollers. My resentment and annoyance is not anything against parents or children. It’s the attitude I get from people (like the driver, and sometimes the other stroller owner) that somehow their strollers are somehow more important than mine. I have as much of a right to bring my stroller full of cats on the bus as they do with their stroller full of baby or child(ren), especially if I am running an errand that requires multiple cats to be with me. And I always shift as much as I possibly can. Yet, in these situations, the person with the non-humans in the stroller is always the “bad guy” taking the space away from “the person who NEEEEEEEDS it”. (Sidenote, it’s even more fun when we’re on a bus back from a cat show with other cats in strollers and a baby stroller comes on. The entitlement on the baby people and the shade thrown doubles.) Basically, it’s a case of “All strollers are equal, but some strollers are more equal than others,” which really isn’t fair at all.

To that end, I posted a couple of these photos to Facebook as events unfolded, and made a flippant comment that 4 > 1, and then added “Cats Before Brats.” A friend said, “That should be a bumper sticker!” So…


…I made one. It’s available on Zazzle, and at the moment, you can get 15% off with code ZSWEETTREATS.

Aby-a-Day – March 24: If New York is the city that doesn’t sleep, Boston must be the city with narcolepsy (Cartoon Tuesday)

This is another one that I should have done earlier, back when the MBTA was shut down because of the snow.


The problem was, to finish this concept I needed a photo of the Broadway T station with the gate closed during the day, which doesn’t happen very often. Finally, it happened the Sunday of the St. Patrick’s Day parade, so I was able to get this cartoon out of my head and into this blog.

And this is a town that thinks it can handle the Summer Olympics. It can’t even keep its transit system running on a random Tuesday.

Strollercat is NOT amused with the T’s shenanigans.

(Click cartoon to embiggen, or you can view all cartoons in Slideshow mode on Flickr.)

Strollercat comments on the recent MBTA problems…

Because it needed to happen:


Aby-a-Day – January 13: Nous sommes tous Charlie (Cartoon Tuesday)

Last week, something terrible happened, which has affected cartoonists around the world.


I consider myself a cartoonist. I’ve been drawing cartoons since I could draw. I actually even got in trouble in high school for controversial anti-Reagan editorial cartoons I did for the high school paper that were also published in the local paper on their “Under 20” page. Some people have said that the Charlie Hebdo cartoons were “asking for it.” Others have said that the cartoons were offensive/obscene/profane/bad, as if these had been painters or musicians or some other type of “real” artist who had been attacked, it would have been a bigger deal. But it’s not about WHAT you draw. It’s not about being offensive. It’s not even about liking the cartoons that Charlie Hebdo has been publishing since 1970. It’s about someone deciding that because they don’t like what you drew, you are worthy of killing.

And the way things are, someone could be offended by anything someone else drew.

5 guys who drew cartoons were killed because some other guys with guns didn’t like those cartoons. And that’s not right.

Nous sommes tous Charlie.

à la mémoire de:
Cabu (Jean Cabut)
Charb (Stéphane Charbonnier)
Georges Wolinski
Tignous (Bernard Verlhac)
Philippe Honoré (Honoré)
(ce sont les caricaturistes)
Bernard Maris (“Uncle Bernard”)
Elsa Cayat
Frédéric Boisseau
Michel Reynaud
Mustapha Ourad
Et les policiers:
Frannk Brinsolaro
Ahmed Merabet

(Click cartoon to embiggen, or you can view all cartoons in Slideshow mode on Flickr.)

Aby-a-Day – January 7: (Mostly) Wordless Wednesday (#JeSuisCharlie)


“The ending, nobody saw it coming…”

Only 76 seconds to go, two goals in 17 seconds…are you kidding me?


We made a good run. Really satisfied at our effort at the end, but it still sucks to lose like this.” – Tuukka Rask

Aby-a-Day – November 7: Wordless Wednesday (“How would my cat have voted?”)



Aby-a-Day – Day 168 of 365

Angel sums up our feelings towards LA…
