Aby-a-Day – 16 Juli: Yet more fun with PHOTOSHOPPED cats (Photoshop Friday)

Time for more of my Photoshopped cats. Above is Rocky, and I thought he looked a bit like a seal.


One look at Dwight, and Björn suggested I do this.


Bella was wearing goggles, and her human wanted her to look like Amelia Earhart. All righty then.


I don’t remember this guy’s name, but the first thing I thought of was the “I am king of the world!” scene from Titanic.


Some suggested that Batty should be running from Indiana Jones’ boulder. Happy to oblige.


Later on, I had another idea…please, think of the kittens!


Noodle like to sit like this, apparently. I thought he looked like a prince in need of a kiss.


Rosie is missing an eye, like Angel. So I gave her one of Angel’s googly eyes.


Fridays are “Free for all” species posting, and someone posted a nest of barn swallows. I immediately thought of this. Hey, I already had the “MINE?” speech bubbles!


This cat had a flour tortilla on her head. I could not resist.


Gilbert was leaning on a mirrored sliding closet door…so we have Octopussy!


And finally, another seal, this time with Sugar doin a heckin sploot. I like this one better than the first one.