Aby-a-Day – August 6: The big reveal

I’ve made some allusions lately of big changes to come. Well, ultimately the story is fairly simple: Jacoby, Angel and I are moving to Sweden.


As we explained on Tuesday, Björn and I have been friends since 1992. We started as penpals, and then became closer. Through the usual ebbs and flows of life over the past 23 years, we’ve stayed in each other’s hearts and minds.


Naturally, Björn has always known my cats through my photos and stories, and I’ve known his. Right now, Björn has a 16 year old girlcat named Pyret who he bottlefed when she was a kitten.


As part of his visit, of course, Björn finally got to meet Angel and Jake in person. Angel was her usual skittish self, but she was still quite friendly with Björn. Jake, on the other hand…


…Well, Jake really took a liking to Björn. I know Jake is one of those cats who’s never met a stranger, but this was above and beyond his usual warm welcome to a newcomer.


Our new apartment in Skövde will have a balcony as well as space for the old floor-to-ceiling cat tree I used to have in my old apartment in Somerville. I think Jake and Angel are going to really enjoy it there.