Aby-a-Day – January 4: Sneaky

Angel is a little food-seeking missle. She loves to sneak into Jacoby’s house and see if he’s left any food in his bowl.

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Yeah, she’s a real expert at stealth.

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She’s also super good at hide-and-seek, as you can plainly see.

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I have no idea where she is, do you?

They played me!!

I woke up this morning before my husband, without the usual weekend assistance of Jacoby biting my head. When I got up, all the kitties escorted me to the kitchen to show me their empty bowls. Since I was the first one awake, I obligingly gave them their daily ration of crunchies, which they tucked into.

When my husband got up a short while later, he checked their bowls and commented, “Wow, there’s still a lot of food left.”

“Oh, yeah, I gave them their dry food already,” I explained, believing he thought it had been there since yesterday.

“You what!?” He said. “But I fed them already this morning!”

“You did? When? Their bowls were empty when I got up…” I was starting to smell a bay rum-scented rat.

“6am! They woke me up so I fed them and went back to bed.”

Those sneaky little brats! “THEY PLAYED ME!” I cried. “Those little sneaks PLAYED me! I should have known something was fishy when Jake wasn’t biting awake…”

Such is life with devious felines of the Aby persuasion.

Aby-a-Day – April 12: What part of “Obligate Carnivore” do you not understand?

Jacoby’s been on a diet since the cat show, but that doesn’t stop him from stealing food whenever he can.


I saw him knock this Chinese takeout box onto the floor and start pawing something out of it.


I didn’t think there was any meat left in that container.


I was right, there wasn’t.


I had no idea that Jake had any interest in cruciferous vegetables!


Behold the mighty hunter devouring his prey.

Aby-a-Day – Day 306 of 365

Tomorrow Jacoby and I go back to the vet again to see how his foot is healing. If the cut still isn’t improving, he will need to have stitches, and more bandages. And, most likely, more Clavamox®. Jake’s getting really tired of the bandage and the sock on his foot, but I think he’s getting more fed up with the twice daily doses of the Clavamox drops. It’s been a week and a half, and it’s at the point where, when I say his name and head for the fridge, he hides. This morning, he sought refuge in a box I’m saving to pack things in for storage. He wasn’t terribly stealthy about getting into the box, although he thought he had been.


“Ha! I am hiding! Mom won’t ever find me here!”
Then, the camera shutter clicks (on iPhones, it’s a fairly loud, old-school shutter sound).

