Aby-a-Day – February 27: Premier Pellburn Jacoby Stealin’ Home

This morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland.


However, the show, as they say, must go on. It was a big day for Jacoby, as he earned his sixth Winners ribbon, making him a Premier. This means, the next show he goes to, he will begin to earn points towards becoming a Grand Premier.


As usual, he knows how awesome he is, and he knows when a camera is pointed at him.


But the big news of the weekend was little miss Kylie, who, after eight judges’ meticulous scrutiny, managed to score the cycle! Out of six cats, she managed to place once in each place: 6th Best, 5th Best, 4th Best, 3rd Best, 2nd Best, and Best HHP! And she was named Best HHP by three different judges!


Here she is with judge Iris Zinck, shmoozing after being awarded her rosette. What a little princess!

The CFA’s newest Premier didn’t completely miss the spotlight: check out his photo in the Milford Daily News!