Aby-a-Day – August 8: You can say you knew him when (Hipstamatic Monday)

Meg Lambert, Jake’s cousins’ Taz and Lew Zealand’s mom, came to the show even though the two boys weren’t able to make it, and she totally predicted which two judges were most likely to choose Jacoby to be part of their finals.


Here’s Jake waiting to be judged by Barbara Sumner. Doesn’t he look like a cool cucumber?

Meg also told me that she’d been visiting with my friend who was the Master Clerk at this show, and she checked the official count for how many Premiers were entered and there were 13 including Jake. You don’t count yourself when calculating points, so he earned 12 points in each ring (as the Allbreed Premier win supersedes the Shorthair Premier win) which gives him a total of 24 points for this show. A cat needs 75 points to become a Grand Premier, and the next show we’re going to will be a two-day show with 10 rings, which gives him a lot of opportunity to earn more points.

How exciting!