Aby-a-Day – 9 June: Logistics (Swedish Saturday)

When we go to the vet, we always go by bus. It’s not a bad bus trip, just a long one, but the stops are convenient at either end.


I prefer to take Jacoby and Angel in the stroller. It’s easier than having to carry them both.


The very first time we went to the vet here in Skövde, we tried taking Jake and Angel in the double Sturdi carrier Meg gave me.


I mean, it works…


…but it’s a pretty heavy bag to carry around with the both of them in it!


It’s also a lot harder for Jake to greet his adoring fans.


No, it’s much easier to have the two big cats in the stroller.


In fact, it’s easier to have all the cats in strollers. Since Jake doesn’t like to share his stroller with the younger cats, we took both strollers to our annual vet visit!