Aby-a-Day – 7 December 2020: What’s the first thing you see in the morning when you wake up? (Hipstamatic

Me, it’s usually a cat.


Or two.


Usually, it’s Alfred and Dashiell.


Many mornings I waked up with my arm around Freddy, like he’s a stuffed animal.


Dash likes to purr at me, bump his head on my hand, and pat my face with his soft little hands.


Unfortunately, both these boys are drooly purrers.


Still, if you have to wake up, I can’t think of a better way to do it.


Oh, and if you’re wondering where Izaak is, he’s on my legs, under the comforters, licking the insides of my knees.

Purring or Not Purring? How well do you know your cat?

Sparkle posted this amazing quiz on her blog today inviting all readers to guess whether or not she’s purring in ten different photos. In it, she taunts, “Sounds easy, right? I bet none of you get 100%!”

Well. Guess who has two thumbs and got ’em all right? This girl!

Truth be told though, it was tricky. I guess I can just read ruddy faces. Jacoby often hisses and purrs AT THE SAME TIME at cat shows. He’ll be purring because I’m holding him, but hissing at another cat. I didn’t know cats could do that, to be honest, until I met Jake.


I don’t know how Sparkle made that quiz, but I’ll play, too. Here’s a mini pop quiz: is Jake purring in this photo?