Aby-a-Day – 8 Juni 2020: Our visit to the vet (Medical Monday)

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about our upcoming annual check-up at our veterinarian.


As always, getting there is half the “fun.” It was particularly difficult because people in Sweden have no sense of distance, so I had to stand most of the ride to avoid getting to close to people.


I think this was Dashiell’s first time in the stroller. He kept trying to pop through the top.


The vet is far away, but it’s an easy trip by bus (easy, but long). We just have to change buses downtown.


Luckily, this time we didn’t have any competition from stupid human strollers.


Angel was first up. She’s completely healthy, but Dr. Brigitte wants us to have her good eye checked because she thought it looked a little cloudy, more cloudy than usual. I need to remember to make an appointment with the eye specialist for an examination.


Alfred is also healthy, and I was surprised I didn’t get a lecture on how he needs to lose weight. He got some vaccinations and a prescription for Prednisone to treat his asthma. This is him on the counter…trying to get into the treat jars on the counter (Freddy? Protip: they aren’t in the sharps bin). Lorelai came after Freddy; since there was a social distancing rule (rare for Sweden), only one of us could be in the examination room, so I have no photos of her. She got a vaccine, and we discussed her future kittens.


Izaak also needed some jabs, and one of them was a new Suprelorin chip.


Unlike last time, Zak was not very cooperative. We actually had to purrito him.



When it was all over, we had to wait a bit to check out…and met a curious dog who looked a lot like our neighbour, Bruno.



When we got home, we were so exhausted and stressed that we all crashed in the bedroom (myself included). Taking five cats to the vet during a pandemic is stressful!