Aby-a-Day – January 3: Buoy ahoy!

On Christmas Eve, Jacoby and I took a walk to the post office, and on the way back we stopped off at Binford Park.


Jake was wearing his red-and-white snowflake hoodie, which I thought would coordinate well with the distinctive red-and-white buoy that stands guard over the little park.


I also thought Jake might like to see the outside world from a higher vantage point than he usually gets.


And, even though it was a little chilly, he really did seem to enjoy himself up there.


When you see them in the water, buoys don’t look all that big, but they’re actually quite tall.


The Binford buoy is at least 10 feet/3 metres tall, a very high place indeed for a cat.


Jake seemed just a little disappointed when I finally brought him back down to earth.


Although he was happy to get his feet off that cold metal and back into his nice warm stroller.