Aby-a-Day – September 9: Cuddlebugs (Hipstamatic Monday)

I seem to attract quite the audience when I’m working on my laptop in the bedroom.


This is my usual crew. For some reason, Angel doesn’t find my laptop as attractive as the rest of them.


Of course, Jacoby has to be right next to me.


This is so he can supervise.




And rub against my nice, warm laptop.


I have to say, with three sleepy kitties nestled at my feet, it’s pretty hard to get any work done. In fact, when they’re helping me, I usually start to feel…very…drowsy…*yawn*

Another happy ending for a rescue Aby!

When I first posted about her a month ago, Zoey didn’t even have a name. She was just a 2 year old ruddy girl in a shelter with “neurological problems.”

But just look at her now! She was adopted over the weekend by Abyfriend Solange and she’s settling into her new home quite nicely, thank you. Just look at this video of her:

As one person on the Facebook Abyssinian Cat Club said, “It sounds like the previous owners had neurological issues.”