Aby-a-Day – 28 April: I licked it, so it’s mine.

Most people are familiar with the concept of “I licked it, so it’s mine.”

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Abyssinians have perfected this idea and made it into an art form.

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Take, for example this poor unsuspecting baguette that did nothing wrong. It was simply brought home from the grocery and set down on the kitchen counter.

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And just look what happened!

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Oh, the breadmanity.

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And was Jacoby content with merely licking the part of the loaf that was sticking out of the bag?

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No, of course he wasn’t.

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He folded his ears back and pushed his head and raspy tongue in as far as he could to lick as much of the bread as felinely possible.


He would have bitten into it, too, but the crust on a loaf of French bread is pretty hard, so Jake had to content himself with licking. Biting it would be too much work.

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What really gets me, though, is his sheer brazenness and chutzpah. I mean, I was standing right there, watching him. He licked it anyway. So there, humans.