Singas are Super: Picky Chicken

(Tweet by @jaygootz)

This photo came up in my Facebook memories today, and I realised that I haven’t posted about what may be the most famous Singapura on the internet…but I reckon only a very few of you know his name.

Picky Chicken was the companion of Wendy Gosselin. He lost his battle with oral cancer at the age of 12 on 28 May 2014. But he will live forever as one of the winners of the greatest photoshop battles ever.

(Photoshop by Dominyka Jurkštaitė)

There are even more Photoshop battles involving Picky Chicken on Reddit.

3 thoughts on “Singas are Super: Picky Chicken

  1. He surely was a cute li’l guy! “Picky Chicken”! Wonder from where in HECK that name arose! I too love that dish towel cape. Maybe my next Halloween costume…?


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