Aby-a-Day – 3 Maj: Tacoby Friday (Friday Fashion Flashback)

In the States, Taco Tuesday is a thing. But here in Sweden, it’s Taco Friday.


Because of Jacoby’s namesake, tacos always remind me of Jake.


When he was a kitten, I had to get him some catnip taco toys.


He loved those things! I wish I knew whatever happened to them. These photos were taken just a couple weeks after he joined our family.


He even had a little taco charm that he used to wear on his collar with his tag. You can see it in this photo.


A few years later, I found Jake a taco costume.


Which he wore with his usual aplomb. Look at him! It might as well be a silk tuxedo the way he’s modelling it!


Jake was always so chill when it came to wearing his outfits. People always used to ask me how I got him to wear his costumes. I would always kind of shrug and say, “I just ask him to, and he does it, because we’re partners.”


Damn. Now I really miss Jake…and I am dying for some tacos!