Aby-a-Day – 18 Maj: “I think I’ll go for a walk outside now, the summer sun’s callin’ my name…” (Swedish Saturday)

In both New England and Sweden, a pleasant sunny day is like a special gift, not to be squandered. One must go out and enjoy the good weather while it lasts…because, in both places, wait five minutes and it’ll change.


Take today, for example. It was raining so hard that it woke me up. Anyone who knows me, knows what a difficult thing that is to do.


But a couple of weeks ago? It was gorgeous outside, and we absolutely needed to get outside and enjoy it.


And oh, how Lorelai and Izaak enjoyed it.


The way they interact outside is so different from the way they interact inside. They are best buds, the two who grew up together, the cat show team, the “kittens.”


They play chase games in the house, but it’s taken to a whole other level when they’re outside. They are pretty evenly matched: Zak is older and heavier, but Rory is faster and sneakier.




I know we don’t have a subway to ride, or a city to explore, but we can run around free outside…and that’s a fun option to have.