Aby-a-Day – 11 Augusti 2020: Disney Eyes Snapchat (Cartoon Tuesday)

You’ve probably heard about the new Snapchat filter that gives your pets Disney eyes. I actually downloaded the Snapchat app so I could try it…but I couldn’t get it to work on any of the cats. So, I did the next best thing: Photoshop the eyes on. Above we have Lorelai and Izaak. I like this one.


Alfred also looks about right…plotting, as always.


I spent the most time on Dashiell’s eyes, but I couldn’t get the left eye to not look kind of goofy. I like the right eye, though.


I found a closed eye that was perfect for Angel.


Now, I said I couldn’t get the filter to work on the living cats…but, rather hilariously, it did work on Flat Jacoby!