Aby-a-Day – 17 Augusti 2020: Is she or isn’t she? (Medical Monday Mystery)

WARNING! This post features photographs of bare cat nipples!

Tomorrow will be a month since we brought Lorelai home from sleepaway sex camp. And…I still can’t tell if it worked.


One of the main signs of pregnancy in cats is the “pinking up” of the cat’s nipples. Unfortunately, according to one of my cat breeding books. But it also says that some cats don’t pink up until later in their pregancies. Grrrreeeeaaaaat…


This is her nipple on 26 July. Doesn’t seem any pinker, but stupid me, I never checked them before now. But one good sign is she hasn’t shown any signs of being in heat…and as you might remember, her heats are quiet, but not at all subtle.


This was on 5 August. I still can’t tell.


And this is on Thursday the 13th. Seems pinker? Maybe?


These last two are from today. They seem pinker, and they were easier to find.


Meg, Molly and Anne think she is pregnant, especially since she hasn’t gone back into heat at all.


She hasn’t gained any weight yet, and she definitely isn’t showing…so I guess we’ll just have to wait a little longer.