Abys in Need: Spunky in Manhattan, Kansas

Oh, boy…here we go again.


This came through on the Aby Rescue email list.


Spunky is an 8 year old ruddy spay from Manhattan, Kansas. She must be re-homed to a one-pet indoor family. Michelle, the owner who is conscientious about screening prospects,can be reached at 520-444-1297


Spunky is also listed on Craigslist: Abyssinian Pedigreed Cat (Manhattan,KS)
We are looking for a nice loving person or family for our cat. We are finding a new home for our cat due to the fact that I just had a baby and no longer can fully give the cat enough attention or spend the proper time taking care of him. We have had him for the past 8 years and are the only owners he has had besides the pure-breeding owners who bred him for us. He is a pure-bred Abyssinian Cat that is Pedigreed and we have all documentation and his registration papers. Abyssinian cats normally live till they are about 20 years old. His name is Spunky and his name has a lot to do with his personality. He is a very active and playful cat. He loves attention and loves to play. He has a personality just like a person does. He would be a great addition for someone who is looking for some companionship or another addition to a family. However he does not mix well with any other pets so he would need to go to someone who does not have any other pets living with them.
if interested please call Michelle at 520-444-1297. Thanks!


I’m honestly not sure if Spunky is a boycat or a girlcat, but whichever he or she is, someone will have an awesome kitty if they’re in Kansas!

12 thoughts on “Abys in Need: Spunky in Manhattan, Kansas

  1. Excuse my language, but I want to fucking kill people who get rid of their pets because they have a baby. I know I should have more compassion and there may be a story behind it that justifies giving up your faithful companion after eight fucking years, but unless the cat likes to eat babies or there is a deadly allergy, I can’t think of a single scenario where this would be acceptable. I hope he finds a home where he won’t be considered disposable. Has the breeder been contacted? Perhaps that’s a better place to start than fucking Craigslist.


      1. I totally agree! I try not to curse because I run a family-friendly blog, but you should have heard my human – she turned my ruddy ears blue!


    1. I won’t excuse your language: I’m using it right along with you! And CRAIGSLIST? You don’t know who is getting your animal. I’ve heard horror stories about animals “adopted” from that site. No way would I post any animal for adoption there. This just SO angers me … so use the strongest language possible! 🙂 We’re right behind you!

      Selina & MomKatt Laura


  2. This makes me want to cry!!! Who does this?? What type of person repays 8 years of love and dedication by getinng rid of them?!?!? You just had a baby, and cannot take care of your cat…really??? Yeah..it must take hours to feed and clean the litter box. As for enough attention…seriously? Love finds a way. Advertising on Craigslist!!!! I have no words. I am saying a prayer and know that Spunky will find a forever home quickly. Where he is part of a family that loves him and realizes he is a part of the family and not something to be disposed of because you have issues with time management. Oh and I guess she will only have one child because if you had to get rid of your cat (which lets be honest) does not take a lot of time to take care of, what would your life be like with two children??


  3. Us again – have they contacted their breeder? That would be the first thing we’d do! My Abys’ breeder said no matter what, if someone couldn’t keep an Aby of hers for any reason, to contact her & she’d take the cat back no questions asked!

    Sorry to be a pain!
    Laura & Selina


    1. I wish I knew! They do seem to have gotten in touch with an Aby rescue. I think people are ashamed to contact the breeder because they don’t want them to know they weren’t worthy of the cat they’re now rehoming… Which, in my opinion, they SHOULD feel ashamed, but regardless, the adoption contract probably says they’re obligated to contact the breeder first.


      1. I totally agree with you. But if the contract says to do it, it’s no blot on them, they’d just be doing what the breeder asked of them. Sure as hell beats Craigslist! I’d be FURIOUS if someone put a cat I’d bred out on that website w/out asking me first whether I’d take it back or not.


  4. Michelle, sweetie, where ever you are — you have GOT to be KIDDING ME. Quite aside from everything else, if you wait a couple months Spunky and your brat will likely be playing and sleeping together. I mean, come on.

    I could understand if the kid was allergic or something, but it sounds like she just doesn’t want to bother any more.


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