Aby-a-Day – October 17: The big set up

Last week, Jacoby and I got to the show hall early to help set it up for our club’s cat show. I’d never helped set up a show before. First, Jake and I checked in and went up to our room to put things away.


Then we went downstairs to the show hall. It was so big and empty!


I brought Jake along to help because I thought he’d be happier down in the hall with me rather than alone in our room.


I was definitely right!


He just sat in his stroller and supervised the goings-on. He also helped introduce everyone to Marlin, our mascot, whom no one had actually seen in person yet.


(Here’s me and Marlin, just for fun.)



Of course, it was very busy in the empty hall, with people making noise and moving things around, setting up tables and cages and everything else. There was also a big door open so the truck could unload.



Jake just hung out with members like Amelia and took it all in stride.



Jake did help where he could. Here he is helping count items and fill the goodie bags that were given to each exhibitor. He was very good and didn’t get into any of the bags or steal any of the catnip!



He also helped with decorations. We had two out of three of Columbus’ ships on hand to enhance our holiday theme.


Jake loved the little cat-sized boats!


He had a lot of fun playing with them…


…until he got bored and decided to go do something else!


We ended up putting Marlin, in his Nemo costume on one of the boats and set it at the front door where he could greet everyone as they came in.


One really nice thing about being there early to help set up is that you also get your benching area the night before instead of having to do it in the morning! While I was setting up his house, Jake curled up inside the bag, nestling in between the hammocks. I think he was getting a little chilly.


Once his house was all set up, Jake hopped in to check it out and make sure it was all done correctly and to his satisfaction. Needless to say, he approved.