Gun-Hee up a (very short, carpeted) tree

In the condo, we only have a very short cat tree with only the most basic scratching and lounging accomodations (unlike the floor-to-ceiling tree we have in Somerville). Gun-Hee has this very raggedy pagoda that we would put on the top of the cat tree’s shelf…

Which is one of his favourite places to nap.

More of Gun-Hee in his pagoda

Strange bedfellows

Patrick and Gun-Hee have very little in common…except for the fact that they were both born in the Year of the Dog, 12 years apart. They almost never cuddle together, unless Patrick is on the heater bed and Gun-Hee wants it all for himself. So it was rather charming to find this scene when I woke up yesterday morning…

Walking home with mom

After going to work with me, Gun-Hee walked home with me, too…

And when we get home, he rides the elevator just like any other working stiff.

More photos of Gun-Hee at work…

Here are the rest of the photos of Gun-Hee visiting my office last Thursday…


I love this one…He’s not really looking at anything,
but it looks like he sees something fascinating.


I think it’s cute, him sitting at my desk.


Here he is visiting my co-worker Julia.


I love this chair – it’s the only one we have like it. It looks good on Gun-Hee.


In the conference room…


…and at John’s desk, pretending to be the boss.