Aby-a-Day – May 8: This is mine

For his birthday, Jacoby got a new rolling carrier for therapy visits.


This one, by Pet Gear, is a lovely sage green, it’s very roomy, and it has two leash/seatbelts inside to secure him safely in place. It can be used as a rolling carrier, shoulder bag, regular carrier, backpack, or car seat.


He took to it immediately.


I’m not sure, though, if he was camping out in it because it was new and he loved it, or if he was camping out in it to prevent anyone else from getting their hairs and scent all over the inside.

Happy Mother’s Day

Leave it to Cheezburger to post an Aby Mother’s Day LOLcat

Of course, Jacoby can’t call his mother, but here she is…


And then, well…


I suppose he has two mothers, hasn’t he? This morning, he cuddled with his head on my shoulder in a ball under my chin, and, for once, he didn’t bite my earrings or my hair to wake me up. Ha! That must be his version of breakfast in bed!