Aby-a-Day – May 7: To bleed black and gold

There’s actually a pretty lively discussion about cats wearing clothes on Catster. Currently, 43.48% of the people responding to the poll seem to believe that clothing on cats is “so wrong.”


Obviously, these people have never met Jacoby.


Last night there was a pivotal game in the Bruins-Flyers Stanley Cup playoff series, so Jake, like any red-blooded Boston guy, put on his black and gold and settled on the sofa to watch the big game.


(Notice the happy, kneading, grabby hands…m w m w m w m…)


(I love the little shoulder emblems!)

He wore the jersey for the entire game and, as far as we could tell, he was perfectly content. He even jumped up on the counter to “help” me when I went to get a glass of milk. One commenter on the Catster poll wrote, “Have you ever noticed how miserable the cats look in the pictures where they are dressed up? Don’t the people who love them notice how miserable they look?”


Yeah…no. No, I can honestly say that I’ve never noticed that with Jake.