Cartoon Tuesday Extra: The man behind the cat

I had the incredible good luck last night to meet Simon Tofield, the man behind Simon’s Cat at an event at the Brookline Booksmith.


As someone who has also been drawing pretty much her whole life, it was really interesting to listen to him talk about how he got his start drawing animals – any animals – as a child. Simon was interviewed by Jef Czekaj, who also emceed the Copy Cat Festival last February. During his introduction of Simon, Jef even mentioned “Boston’s famous Strollercat” which was fun…wish I’d actually been able to bring Jacoby along with me…but I’d come straight from work and wasn’t able to.


I also wish I’d remembered to bring my good camera! I remembered it about halfway to the office. At least I have an iPhone. I had him sign my copy of “Kitten Chaos” because the Booksmith was selling pre-signed copies of his new book (clever, no? Now I have two signed books).

I was able to capture a video of Simon drawing his cat and the kitten (I forgot to hold my camera horizontal, so don’t hate…but really, the visual is more suited to vertical orientation). They’re based after his cats Hugh and Teddy; he has four all together, besides Hugh and Teddy, there are Jess the 13 year old torte and Maisy his “wildcat.” He’s actually got photos of them in his latest YouTube release:

He also makes all the kitty sounds you hear in the videos – purring, meowing, chirping, growling and hissing, it’s all Simon!


Here’s the finished Simon’s Cat and kitten. I think the bookstore is going to have them framed (I know I would).


Interestingly enough, this event was originally scheduled for Patriot’s Day, April 15…but then the Marathon Bombing happened, and it needed to be cancelled. I’m so glad that Simon was able to come back to Boston…and that I was able to attend!

Edit: And OMG…Simon was an impromptu celebrity judge for the Cat Scout Cardwood Derby! I wonder if he’ll remember that Jake is the same cat he saw photos of in Boston?

2 thoughts on “Cartoon Tuesday Extra: The man behind the cat

  1. My human just saw Simon Tofield in New York today! She was SO excited because she wasn’t expecting to get to see him since he’s not coming to the West Coast this trip. It just happened that he was doing the event my human was at attending. How awesome you got to see him in Boston – but what a bummer Jake couldn’t come along!


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