Aby-a-Day – 16 August: “Scars are simply modern battle wounds. Sometimes the enemy happens to be inside us.”

As you saw from yesterday’s post, Jacoby came home from his exploratory surgery with no problems.

When I came to collect him, the first thing that happened was that I was handed a folder with Jake’s aftercare instructions.

They were detailed, but completely manageable.


However, as you saw yesterday, AniCura sent him home with a hard plastic “Cone of Shame*.” Nobody wants to wear that, least of all our Jake. So on our way back to the bus stop, we stopped off at a conveniently located pet shop, but they didn’t have any soft cones, so I ended up buying him a Trixie Surgery Suit. We dressed him at the shop, but, sadly, I didn’t take any photos when we tried the onesie on Jake.


But, as you saw yesterday, Jake had zero issues with wearing his onesie. In fact, he probably had fewer issues with it than he would have had with the hard cone!



This morning, I woke up to…this. Jake was in a cuddle puddle on our bed with Alfred and Izaak!


I think Jake was as surprised about that as I was. I blame his (prescribed) post-op opioid painkillers.


But it wasn’t just Freddy and Zak. Angel was on the bed, too!


She didn’t join the boys’ cuddle puddle, but she clearly approved of it.


Okay, Angel. Back off…


Meanwhile, on my stomach…we had Lorelai. Which means all five cats were on our bed at the same time!


It may be Jake’s medication, but I’m taking it as a solid win!

* Or “Cone of Courage,” as one friend called it.

8 thoughts on “Aby-a-Day – 16 August: “Scars are simply modern battle wounds. Sometimes the enemy happens to be inside us.”

  1. Prayers and fast recovery for Jake! I remember seeing you and him in the stroller around Boston when you lived here. I even met the little guy and that’s how I learned of your blog. Hope all is well 🙂


  2. Excellent that they didn’t shun Jake for that vet smell – maybe a secondary advantage of his onesie? And little Zak with his head on Jake – so cute!


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