MORE Abys in Need! Missouri, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

Since this is a worldwide blog, I decided to look a little farther afield on Petfinder to if there were any other Abys in shelters outside of New England. Looking up Abyssinians on Petfinder is somewhat entertaining; it’s interesting what some people will call an “Aby.” In fact, the National Aby Rescue has a little primer on “How to identify an Abyssinian”, and it’s funny because it’s true. I mean, it’s hard to confuse a red-point Siamese with an Aby, isn’t it?

Out of 261 “Abyssinians” (to be fair, there are some ticked tabbies on there), I did find six purebred Abys in shelters. Apart from the three Rhode Island Abys, I found:

Jared is a purebred (Blue) Abyssinian rescued from a breeder who had made an appoinment for his death because he had contracted the Feline Leukemia Virus because of carelessness by that breeder. Jared has issues with his eyes and has limited vision but his spirit is very much intact. This boy is such a character, he will do all sorts of tricks for attention. He plays like no one’s business. He doesn’t realize he is sick and besides his eyes, you can’t tell either. HELP will cover all his medical expenses for his lifetime, if you will just give him the chance he deserves, he deserves his own family. Jared, boy, born approx 1/09.

He’s not even a year and a half old yet, but he looks like a little old man! He sounds like such a sweetheart. Jared’s in Belton, MO, south of Kansas City.

CJ is a 7 year old Ruddy Abby rescued from the Oklahoma City Animal Shelter. A complete and total lovebug, he is very affectionate and very demanding of your attention. He would do well in an active home, or with a retired couple who are home all day to cater to his every whim. His pedigree is attached. Not that it is doing him any good, but still, he is very impressed with it!
CJ is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and spayed/neutered.

CJ gets me in the heart, because even though he’s 7, he looks so much like Jake and Gun-Hee…and has a boy called CJ! This handsome man is in Oklahoma City, OK.

Abbi is a purebred Abyssinian kitty who was adopted from a Connecticut animal shelter at about one year old, having already been declawed. Unfortunately, the vet who performed the declaw surgery apparently went too deep, which combined with her current weight may be the reason Abbi walks a bit funny, won’t jump more than three feet or so, and needs to land on something soft when jumping down, but is otherwise okay. We currently have Abbi on a diet of grain-free canned food only so she can gradually lose a couple of pounds and regain the elegant body she should have. Sadly, her human family reluctantly gave her up due after they had to move into a much smaller living space that provided no relief from allergies in the family.
TEMPERAMENT: Abbi is very sweet, loving, and bonds easily to people. She loves to play with water and even have a sponge bath. She is a gorgeous purebred Abyssinian girl with a short rust/cinnamon coat. AGE: born approx. May 2004. MICROCHIP #: 013-558-011 DATE OF STERILIZATION: 2005. VAX RECORD: Rabies: 5/10/10; FVRCP: 5/10/10; FELV/FIV: 5/10/10 neg. ADOPTION FEE: $100

Abbi breaks my heart. I cannot imagine crippling any cat, let alone an Aby, by hacking off her fingertips! Poor girl can’t run and jump…it’s a well-known fact that Abys defy gravity! How sad that she can’t even walk normally. Abbi is in Santa Fe, NM.

Also, I did hear back from Norm Auspitz at the National Aby Rescue in response to the email I sent about the three shelter Abys from last week. He told me he forwarded my email to the NAR email list and that they will start to beat the bushes. I emailed him back to thank him, and to send him the links to the new Abys I found.

Once again, spread the word!

15 thoughts on “MORE Abys in Need! Missouri, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

  1. If you come across anything in MD/VA/DC let me know, remember I have that Aby rescuer who almost helped a friend of a friend of a friend. Although I can’t rescue or foster, I can definitely provide transportation to the foster home, which is in eastern VA.


    1. I will! I can’t rescue or foster, either (not until we move to a bigger place, anyway…don’t tell Dave I said that), but I want to start checking Petfinder on a regular basis and post the Abys. After all, that’s exactly how I found Angel (and Purebreds Plus)…messing around looking for Abys on Petfinder.
      Heh, it seems like Abys can’t do anything halfway…it seems like each of them has an epic story about how they ended up in rescue or a shelter!


      1. That’s really awesome of you.
        Although I don’t want to bug the rescuer I was in contact with, if there’s an Aby in peril (risk of euthanasia or needs special fostering) I wouldn’t hesitate to check with them. But if the Aby is simply up for adoption I’m sure he/she will find a home!


        1. What I worry about is them finding a home and then the adopter discovering what an Aby’s like to live with…that’s probably just me overthinking it and being paranoid.
          Or maybe I read too much.


          1. That’s true… I’ve seen cats adopted purely based on their “exotic look”. Some people might be enticed by the purebred term and agree to adopt just based on that.
            I can barely deal with Penny, a tortie – I don’t think I could live with an Aby!! 🙂


  2. That felt so weird to read, I was like… CJ IS RIGHT HERE WITH ME!
    Aby boys are so loving and adorable, and give you the best ‘pet me’ eyes ever.

    “You know why they call me Cougar Jr? Why don’t you pet me and find out.”
    I hope CJ Sr. finds a home. ^_^


    1. Well…if it makes you feel any better, I’m allergic to cats, too. Every time I’ve been tested, I come up allergic to cats. But, when you’re allergic to cats, what you’re actually reacting to is proteins in dried saliva that flakes off their fur.
      DNA is made up of protein, so cats with more “homogenised” DNA are less likely to cause a reaction. In my case, I’m fine with Abys (which are one of the most “pure” breeds; this is why an Aby was used to map the feline genome), and also Siamese, Burmese and Maine Coons. I do react to Persians, Scottish Folds and American Shorthairs.
      Bear in mind that this highly scientific testing was done by visiting people who had these breeds in their homes, but I have also had other people who were allergic to cats tell me that they aren’t allergic to my Siamese or my Abys.
      There are also products you can use to reduce allergens on cats’ fur…so don’t give up hope!


      1. I’ve heard about the dried saliva thing! It’s interesting that more “pure” breeds produce different reactions. I’ll have to experiment with that. I’m not severely allergic, but if I live with cats I can’t breathe through my nose.
        I will probably be living with cats again soon though. I will most definitely be buying that product. I can just imagine the joy on a cat’s face when I bathe them with it.


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