Aby-a-Day – February 12: Lucky find

I have had this little pewter cat figurine since the 1980’s.


Somehow, despite moving several times (to several different cities in three states and one province), I’ve managed not to lose it.


I’ve always thought that it looked like an Abyssinian. I don’t know why I looked at it and thought “Aby” rather than any other sort of cat, but I always have. Maybe it’s the way the fur is so detailed; it does remind me of an Aby’s ticking.


You may remember seeing it before in this post from last October.


It has no markings on it at all. I just know I got it in the 80’s because that’s when I was first interested in Abys, and it’s also when I was collecting little pewter figurines. This is one of the only ones I can still find.


Last week I happened to be looking for something on eBay and I came across a listing for a pewter Abyssinian figurine.



This figure was on a base with “Abyssinian” stamped on it. There were also stampings on the base showing a manufacturer, a copyright, and a year – 1984.


The cat here is playing with a little ball of yarn – but the cat is very familiar!


Same pose, same ticking…


I was so psyched! After 30 years…I’m finally sure that my little pewter cat really is an Abyssinian!





You may have noticed that I had a little Abyssinian assistance while taking photos for this post.


Jacoby was almost as excited as I was about the little pewter Aby.


Although I suspect it was for an entirely different reason. He is such a helpful boy!

MBTA Bingo

So this is kind of cool…I stumbled across this today looking up @lolmbta and #strollercat on Twitter:

MBTA Bingo! And…check out N-1! Cat in a stroller? That can only be the infamous Strollercat, right? So, in a way, Jacoby’s made the Boston Globe as well as the Herald!