Aby-a-Day – 29 December: Logan and Izaak (Singapura Saturday)

Logan and Izaak look very much alike in photos, and often I can’t tell who is who unless I look at the date the photo was taken.


These first two photos were taken 28 December 2017…so, this is Logan napping with Alfred and Jacoby.


These next two, however…


…these two were taken on 13 December 2018, so this is Zak and Freddy.


So…without looking at the Flickr details linked to the photos, can you tell how is who? Is this one Zak or Logan?


How about this one?


I know Freddy knows that Zak isn’t his “Brother from another Mother,” but he does seem to like having him as a cuddle buddy.


In some ways, Logan and Zak could not be more different. Logan was very agile and could often be found up high, on the tops of bookshelves and doors. He was like a little old man, soft-voiced but constantly muttering to himself. He wasn’t terribly food-oriented, and he wasn’t afraid of the big cats’ hisses and growls. And he was extremely fastidious, constantly grooming himself. Zak, on the other hand, can barely haul himself onto the kitchen counter (and often doesn’t make it). He meows at the top of his voice when he wants something or if I am in the bathroom with the door closed, and he is incredibly focused on food. He tries to sleep with the big cats, same as Logan did, but if they hiss or growl, he backs off and goes somewhere else. And while he keeps himself tidy, he isn’t constantly grooming himself the way Logan did. One of Logan’s “things” was to furiously lick his tailtip if you held it for him. Zak isn’t as concerned about his tail tip.

It just so funny how two cats can look so alike and have such different personalities.