Aby-a-Day – April 25: “Fix” (Saturday Photo Hunt)

This week’s Photo Hunt subject is “Fix.”


I’m still fixing up the iMac cat bed, but that doesn’t stop Angel from napping in it.


It may have been overkill, but I took the keyboard apart to clean it and then glued it back together. Now, I know the keyboard doesn’t really affect the comfort of the bed, but it does make it look cool.



I also found an I/O panel and a door to restore the iMac casing. I glued the panel in so there’s no longer a hole in the bottom of the bed. I haven’t gotten the door yet, but that will close the rest of the hole up and restore the iMac to it’s egglike shape. My goal is to have an empty iMac that, apart from being a cat bed and not a working computer, it as complete as possible.


I know Angel doesn’t care if it’s a perfectly restored iMac or not.


But she’s sleeping in it, so that makes it all worthwhile.