Aby-a-Day – October 17: Aby vs Aby (Hipstamatic Monday)

The one fun thing about shooting in Hipstamatic is, you never know exactly what you’re going to get. Partly because in “shake to randomise” mode, you’re never sure which combination of lens, film and flash you’ll end up with in any given photograph, and partly because when you’re running the Hipstamatic app, you can’t change out if it quickly, so whatever happens, it’s either a Hipstamatic shot or no shot at all.


So, the other morning I was taking Hipstaportraits of Jacoby when Angel sent to the litter box…and Jake leapt off the bed to play a game of “Pounce on the kitty as they come out of the box.”


Usually it’s Kylie who plays this game – she even sneaks up on humans – but it looks like Jake’s been under her tutelage.


Although his presentation seems to need a little work…Angel doesn’t seem that intimidated by Jake’s “attack.”


But what he lacks in surprise he more than makes up for in tenacious pursuit.