Happy Aby Holidays – Decorations for Good Little Abys

I got my first Xmas stocking when I was 6 months old, and I still have it. Stockings are a big part of my holiday, and everyone in our family has a Ho Ho Holiday personalised stocking. I love these stockings so much. Mine is a sushi print, Angel’s has angel cats, and Jacoby’s is Native American themed.


Our cats get most of their gifts in their stockings, so it’s important to have well-made, sturdy stockings and these are the best I’ve found. They also look so nice all hanging in a row in our window.

Of course, you can also festively dress your feline friends; depending on the cat, this can become a lot of fun. My Siamese Harri used to absolutely love Christmas. From wrapping gifts to putting up the tree to hanging the stockings, he was in heaven for one month each year. I made him a scrunchy jingle bell collar which he adored. He came running when he heard me take out the box of decorations it was kept in and would actually deliberately shake his neck to make the bells ring. They’re easy to make with elastic, holiday fabric, and tiny bells (even for a non-sewer like myself), but if you don’t want to make your own they’re readily available. I really like these scrunchy tartan jingle bell collars.


And don’t forget that holiday cheer can come from the most unlikely sources. One great place to find cat-sized holiday clothing is, of all places, Build-a-Bear stores. They make clothing and accessories for Clarice and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that include the amazing Snowflake Cape. This is red velvet, lined, with a fleece collar and a velcro neck closure. It’s perfectly cat sized…and it’s only $6 USD! A similar cape from a pet store would very likely cost three times as much!

And, if you happen to celebrate Chanukah, your cat can join in with his own Yarmulke & Tallit. Holidays are for the whole family, after all!

Aby-a-Day – Day 309 of 365

You would think, after four trips to the vet in less than two weeks, Jacoby would be completely over the whole doctor’s office thing.


He isn’t.